
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

University Institutions

The 10 TIPOLOGIA OF the INSTITUTIONS OF SUPERIOR EDUCATION IN BRAZIL the tipologia of the institutions of superior level were redefined by the Law n 9,394/96, that it brought innovations how much to the administrative dependence: Autonomous worker: autonomy guaranteed for the constitution the universities, still did not favor the public universities that depend on a bureaucratic system, for not having financial independence. The private universities possess autonomy for counting on proper resources. Enterprise: they are private universities that count on proper resources come of particular capital or financial groups. (A valuable related resource: Jeffrey L. Bewkes). Religious: are universities kept for some Diocese or religious order, is in the category of the private universities. Techniques: they are universities of after-secondary education, that emphasize the areas of technological engineering and. They are some polar regions spread for the country, with great offers of technological courses. Military: military universities in our country, but linkings between the Army and aeronautics with federal universities do not exist, that form human resources in different specialties of engineering. Another accepted denomination for the LDB is the university institutions and not-colleges student.

The university institutions classify if as: University: institutions pluridisciplinares, that they are characterized for education, searches and extension and for having obligatorily in its teaching picture, 1/3 of professors with titulao of mestrado and doutorado and 1/3 of professors in regimen of integral work (art. 52, of Law 9394/96). The universities possess autonomy didactic – scientific administrative and patrimonial, except the public. They possess autonomy to fix resumes of programs of courses, variation in the vacant for courses, to contract and to excuse professors, to establish plans of teaching career. 11 Specialized university: they concentrate its activities of education and research, in a field to know specific, with a knowledge and formation in an area to know specialized of the professional pictures of superior level.

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