
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


In times of economic boom, companies often reward the loyalty of its consumers with discounts and promotions in times of crisis, it is logical that these promotions increase and adapt to the situation. Thus we see how restaurants offer cheaper menus, banks include protection clauses before unemployment ern its financial products, supermarkets lowered their prices, or resort to the 2 1 this behavior adopted to minimize the impact of the crisis reaches all areas of consumption by tantro, consumer items which have become staple goods in a short time are not immune to this plan. It is the case of mobile telephony. A good example of the phenomenon of sunsets anti-crisis measures launched by large corporations may be Telefonica and its initiative to help tea, a social program which offers a 50% discount on the invoice of mobile telephone for customers who are unemployed. Because, if the situation is difficult for everyone, it is even more so for those who have lost their jobs. In addition to the self-employed, this aid program also benefits the self-employed professionals and is complemented with other aid for enterprises to reduce costs and similar discounts on invoices for fixed telephony. In this sense, include subsidies aimed at start-ups, such as the 50% discount on mobile voice during 12 months traffic or free applications and services such as domain, mail large capacity or calendars with access to both in computer equipment of the company and outside it.

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