
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Technical Manual

There is also the possibly somewhere located function of the webmaster. This complementary task structure, the security topic in practical everyday life loses a clear association with negative consequences for the real level of Web security. 3. Comprehensive test current security status: almost 500 different types of attacks with different exposure effect for Web applications are currently known. Therefore it requires analyses of complex penetration procedures where possible access risks be determined. Tools with an automated scanning of Web applications that provide a relatively comfortable way.

Their report provides concrete evidence of what hazards exist. Recommended especially for critical Web applications such as Internet stores additional structured Manual penetration testing, where at the same time the technical and organizational conditions of Web security to check. 4. Security processes into the change management integration: because Web applications are subject to continuous change through functional enhancements and technical innovations, a permanently fragile security situation can arise. For this reason, systematic safety measures as an integral part of the changes are necessary that both process as clearly shown in the responsibilities that need to be. Regularly new penetration testing among the basic obligations are by technical interventions in the Web applications, to determine possible security implications. 5.

Emergency management organize practical: even if optimal safety precautions were taken, problems in the face of the constant new attack methods can never be excluded. This will require the development of emergency scenarios with different levels of escalation to fast in case of need according to defined procedures and to be able to act effectively. The creation and maintenance of contingency plans is however not a one-time event. Rather, it is an ongoing process that can be useful to its complexity often only tool supported.

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