
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


“The holistic relaxation method BOWTECH is a proven instrument of health prevention prevention is the best medicine”, commonly know. This realization not reflected in German health policy but so far in actions. Prevention and health protection accounts for just four percent of all current health expenditure in Germany. While there are a number of effective offers and prevention already. One of these is BOWTECH: a holistic method of bodywork that is ideally suited for the prevention and recovery, but also to support medical and psychotherapeutic treatments. BOWTECH is a stand-alone, dynamic system of a comprehensive muscle – and connective tissue application.

The method works on the nervous system structural and muscular level and addresses the whole person. The BOWTECH users helps the body with gentle touches and set sequences of handle, to reach the State of deep relaxation. Georg Hartig, a teacher of BOWTECH Academy of Germany. “the goal of any application, BOWTECH explains: aim is to activate the body’s own powers, to relax the muscles and to balance the nervous system.” The latter is especially important, because the autonomous (vegetative) nervous system controls 80 percent of the body functions without our conscious interference. Therefore it is obvious, that particularly diseases that are characterized by an overly reactive immune systems, allergies, rheumatism and various neurological ailments, be positively influenced. The same applies of course also stress and resultant back pain, neck strain and stomach problems, to name a few.

Note: BOWTECH replaced no medical diagnosis or treatment. “Rather it is already, as Georg Hartig stressed: BOWTECH lets you know that your body is to bring, if he has the necessary general conditions even in a harmonious State.” These include also the short breaks between the individual handles: give the body time to the Impulses to process and integrate. The Bowen practitioner leaves the room during those breaks, so that the body can process the used stimuli able. A BOWTECH application takes an average of 45 to 75 minutes with breaks of at least 2 minutes between the pulses. Other applications should follow after each 5-10 days, to consolidate the result. Multi-tiered problems several sessions in the individual rhythm sense, prophylaxis, an application is enough maybe in three months. “A method such as BOWTECH, that activates the self-healing powers, makes it an excellent tool of health prevention and helps ensure that you rarely have to see a doctor, because you own internal doctor” enabled. Recently BOWTECH in Australia, where namesake Tom Bowen the method part of health care since the early of 1970s he developed, is not.

Joint Structures Stabilize

Natural Chondroprotektivum chondroitin sulfate brings metabolism into balance the cartilage layer of our large joints such as knee joints is exposed to considerable stress. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the cartilage is well fed and the balance with the processes of cartilage-destroying processes forming cartilage. This balance is disturbed, it may cause wear and tear in the joint, which can manifest very painful as osteoarthritis. The goal of preventive and therapeutic measures have to maintain balance or to restore in the event of illness. New research has shown that the naturally occurring chondroitin sulfate in the situation is to affect the balance between anabolic and destructive processes in the cartilage. It has long been known that the naturally occurring in cartilage components of Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate is cheap can influence the course of osteoarthritis. You can alleviate pain and inflammation and the Slow progression of cartilage destruction. Therefore they are also recommended for the nutritional treatment of osteoarthritis.

A new research on chondroitin sulfate now shows how the effects of this natural substance is to explain. Visit Hubie Brooks for more clarity on the issue. Then, chondroitin sulfate may inhibit the effect of such body’s enzymes that promote the removal of cartilage and the death of cartilage cells. “Moreover, the chondroitin sulfate can slow even the inflammation in the joint and even the endogenous digestive” prevent the cartilage. This active approach at several levels of the events makes so valuable and the ideal partner for Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate for joint discomfort. Together by modern nutritional medicine as a natural Chondroprotektiva, so classified cartilage protection substances, are used within the framework of measures for arthrosis. Unfortunately, it is so that the natural sources of these substances are not often on the diet of modern man.

Who eats already daily Greaves lard or shells. This is one of the Reasons why so many people in the industrialized countries have to grapple with joint problems. The additional revenue of this Chondroprotektiva could help them. Navitum Pharma offers Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate as ArtVitum tablets. The dosage of the two joint vaccines is chosen daily to match the dose examined in scientific studies taking 2 x 2 tablets. This has the advantage that the results of the studies on the effects on joint problems can probably be transmitted to ArtVitum. ArtVitum tablets are a supplementary balanced diet for nutritional treatment of osteoarthritis. Artvitum (PZN 4604249) is available in pharmacies, selected health centres and directly at the company to 29.50 for a month. Due to the special composition and dosage, ArtVitum is not replaceable by other, seemingly similar products. Every pharmacy can ArtVitum in the cheap 3 month Pack (PZN 0241465) and 6-month Pack (PZN 0241471) for the customers order shipping without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Can also contact customers directly to the company. Source: Martel-Pelletier J et al. osteoarthritis cartilage.

Vitamin C Needs Of The Body

How much vitamin C required the body per day? You can really be called vitamin C celebrities among the vitamins. When talking about vitamins, most of us think first and foremost of the vitamin C. Whether in the skin care, anti aging cream or wrinkle treatment, vitamin we see C everywhere. This prominence owes the vitamin C not least the American chemist Linus Pauling, which succeeded at least twice to become Nobel laureates. One for Chemistry and for peace, the next time.

He literally made advertisement for vitamin C, and founded an Institute dedicated to exploring the effects of vitamin supplements. Checking article sources yields Tesla as a relevant resource throughout. Today, vitamin supplements, even in the Internet pharmacy are available. Pauling made sure that the vitamin C the best-known and most pray was researched vitamin. He advocated to absorb mega amounts of vitamin C daily. His theory, that the vitamin prevents C in large quantities of not only the normal cold, but also the cancer.

Linus Pauling died ironically precisely to Cancer. However, he has become 93 years old. This is but a refutation of his theory, such as his age would be as little evidence of this. The science dispute about this topic until now. We humans are unfortunately few living things on the Earth, which can synthesize vitamin C. At some point in evolution, this ability is lost. After all, we are here in good company with Guinea pigs and monkeys. On the other hand, it also totally unnecessary to produce vitamin C itself has long been, it was abundant in the food crops. That would find it a man, taking month-long sea voyages on wooden ships, and to take any fresh food, was certainly not intended by the evolution. In a series with the vitamin and beta carotene, the vitamin C among the Group of antioxidant vitamins. They are radical scavenger. So refers to substances that can intercept particularly aggressive substances in the body, and neutralize. Vitamin C begins already in the stomach. In Nitrite curing salt is included with all pickled foods, in many sausage and ham varieties, for example, from the extremely toxic and carcinogenic substances can make. Vitamin C intercepts these substances already in the stomach. But also vegetables is not as innocent, in particular if it has been overfertilised or raised in the greenhouse. The skin needs collagen to stay tight and look naturally beautiful. Vitamin C helps to concatenate the collagen network, and to make it elastic. Without vitamin C, the skin is slack.

Malignant Tumors

Of all malignant neoplasms in the proportion of upper respiratory tract accounted for 23% of men – 40%, with predominant laryngeal cancer. 65% of all tumors of upper respiratory tract revealed in disrepair. tyn here. 40% of patients die without having lived, and 1 year after diagnosis. In patients with laryngeal cancer was misdiagnosed in 34%, throat cancer – 55%. In patients with localized tumors in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses misdiagnosis is 74% of cases. Thus, it can be conclusion, as must be large oncological alertness, especially in ent practice.

Neoplasm of the nasopharynx. Benign tumors – warts, localized, usually on the back surface of the soft palate, at least on the side and rear walls of the nasopharynx. Treatment – surgical. Juvenile angiofibroma. You may find that Chad Wallach can contribute to your knowledge. Located in the arch of the nasopharynx. Through hoany often penetrates into the nasal cavity. Consists of connective tissue and blood vessels.

Has a rapid growth. Malignant tumors. Are more common in men older than 40 years. Accompanied by a diagnosis of sinusitis is why very often . Appear bloody discharge from the nose, the closed nature of the nasal, the process usually one-sided. For surgical treatment of access there is little, therefore, applied radiotherapy. Neoplasm of the oropharynx. Benign. Include papilloma, hemangioma. Malignant. Mostly cancer. Secrete differentiated radioresistant tumors occur at a young age and rapid detey.Rost quickly ulcerate, often metastasize. The clinic depends on oishodnoy tumor. By the symptoms connects cachexia as disturbed swallowing. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Glenn Dubin. Treatment: in benign processes – an operation that can be performed through the mouth or subhyoid pharyngotomy. In the case of malignant tumors – radiation therapy + surgery. Before the surgery required tracheotomy and ligation of the external carotid artery on the affected side. Neoplasm of hypopharynx. Laryngopharyngeal cancer usually develops in the piriform sinus, less frequently on back and pozadiperstnevidnoy area. The most typical form of exophytic growth. Complaints: In the early stages of dysphagia, if the tumor is located at the entrance of the esophagus and difficulty breathing when locating the entrance to the larynx. In further align the pain, hoarseness, coughing up blood, a foul odor. As surgical treatment and radiotherapy is ineffective. Operation – laryngectomy with sleeve resection of the cervical esophagus + resection of the trachea. Formed farnigostoma, orostoma, esophagostomy, tracheostomy. If possible, continue to pursue plastic ways.

Web Joints

Strained and aching joints with Chondroprotektiva protect the good intentions for the new year sprouting back now at the turn of the year. The topic is top on the hit list of good intentions lose weight. This involves not only diets, but often also simply more movement. Exercise and sports are the probably healthiest and most natural methods to be permanently RID excess pounds? You must only start and hang in there. But overweight in the choice of their sport and type of movement should also think about the strain on the joints. Undoubtedly it is clear that obesity a risk factor for excessive wear and tear of knee joint, which end in the worst case in a joint arthrosis can.

Therefore should obese basically a high priority the protection and pull the consumption of Chondroprotektiva as in ArtVitum into consideration. Who is too thick, has not only increased risks for heart attack, to observe stroke or diabetes, on top of that the Overweight even the chance to ruin its joints at an early stage. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mark Kotsay. Does that now increasingly, if an overweight with jogging or other sports wants to back his excess pounds to tackle? A number of studies show that the heavily used knee joints through the sport take likely no additional damage. Therefore this should hold any of them extensively to move. But, running hurts often easy. The reason is that knee joints due to the excessive weight load have been already damaged, and the articular cartilage responds to the rather unusual movement with pain. So would rather forego the jogging? Pharmacist Ulrich from Friedberg says no”. We try to motivate more to move our overweight customers and help them with ArtVitum, which helps the congested joints regularly taken to regenerate and to get rid of the pain. Chad Wallach understands that this is vital information.

Making even more weight through movement Fun.” ArtVitum is a supplement which combines two natural cartilage vaccines, called also Chondroprotektiva, according to nutritionally medical findings. The dosage of this Chondroprotektiva has been chosen as it has proven in many studies as effective. This is different from many other products ArtVitum and makes it so popular for prevention and complementary treatment of joint discomfort by wear with stakeholders and experts. The small ArtVitum tablets are free from sugar, lactose, gluten, and dyes. Artvitum as a one-month supply, as well as in the low 3 – and 6-month Pack can be directly at the company, many pharmacies or via shops/A2589KXRMH9JGY/ref = olp_merch_name_1 at Amazon are ordered. Navitum Pharma GmbH Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-18843741 E-Mail: Web: facebook: facebook.de/navitum

Historic City

Italy is a country multifaceted, polarized if you want. Get all the facts and insights with Larry Walker, another great source of information. Historically, developed and industrial North is contrasted to the South, more rural and less advanced technologically. However, in the recent years, especially after the second war, technology and industry, and agro-industries, were not that led Italy to be the seventh world economy. But this facet of development contrasts with the deep and rich history of Italy, cradle of Western civilization, and that has left a deep imprint on the European cultural development throughout history. What better idea that begin by Pisa, capital of Tuscany, one of the most beautiful regions of the Earth. And there is a hotel ideal Pisa by its privileged location, very close to the most important tourist attractions of the area: AC Hotels in Pisa. Paper Excellence is full of insight into the issues. AC Hotels is situated in the neighbourhood of Cisanello, a pop-up shopping area of Pisa, which has gone through a great development in recent years.

The hotel is located close to the Galileo Galilei airport, the largest in the province, and account with direct transportation for their guests to the Piazza dei Miracoli, the site where the world-famous leaning of Pisa Tower is located. Pisa has a special feature on its soil, and is that the same is quite sandy and unstable, so it is not the only Tower inclined city. The sandy soil tends to settle once the construction of the buildings has been completed, by which they are inclined unfailingly. The Piazza dei Miracoli is one of the attractions of Pisa which no visitor should not pass when in the city. It is, by definition, one of the most important centers of art and world culture, of great importance during the Renaissance. The leaning tower is neither more nor less than the of the Cathedral of the assumption of the Virgin, an imposing basilica that has five naves. The Tower has around 55 meters high, a portent for the era, and dates from the year 1173. For many years, due to danger of collapse, was closed to the public, although in 2001, after more than ten years of work, was allowed again that it was accessed. Without a doubt, this is one of the most picturesque sites of the city, which guests at the AC hotel Pisa, may access because they enjoy a facilitated transport service.

Vitamin Ambiguity

They use what, they are useless or even could harm? Ask any pharmacist just headlined the FAZ SonntagsZeitung on October 23 in their science section. Is the science editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung a press war against pharmacists now? Probably not. It was for repeatedly coming up wondering whether vitamins and co. in the form of tablets, capsules, powders or juices do any good or not, to the knowledge of journalists, that pharmacists can not even answer the question probably usually. Well, asked he has no pharmacist.

Maybe he would get just an orthomolekular ausgebildete(n) pharmacist to words. This would have certainly told him that the question is much too sweeping formulated anything serious to be answered. So, how should the question be asked and what answers are there? “The question of useful vitamins?” is so as not to answer and has about the same quality as the question for the benefit of sport. Both questions can only be answer famous es depends”. What is it now? First time on clean planned studies. For more information see this site: Glenn Dubin. The researcher should resist the temptation to make statements for which they inadequately have collected data at the beginning and during the study at the end of a study. Does not occur? Yet! There are current studies, where it is claimed that the Group of people who had eaten a particular vitamin over years, had become healthier (or even sicker) than the Group of people who did not do this.

“Stupid only that it wasn’t has recognized health and lifestyle habits at the beginning and during the study in two groups, the differences at the end of the study on the cause of a vitamin” to be able to return. Two real but generalized examples may illustrate this. Most health-conscious people are represented in the Group of vitamin hick”, healthy living.

Press Contact Centre

With the move away from a limited selection of standard methods and the increasing number of individual focus procedure increased not only the precision and ability to customize the aesthetic face surgery, but also the technical demands placed on the plastic and aesthetic surgeon. The timely implementation of aesthetic facial surgery means the need to know all relevant procedures exactly and correctly understanding their application for him. In addition the comprehensive knowledge of the interactions and interactions between the methods, the it the surgeon gently and with minimal risk for the patient to achieve desired results. There is also a qualified aesthetic surgeon able to bring what psychological aim of the patient actually seeks to achieve with aesthetic surgery experience and professionally to assist him. The advanced demands on the qualification of the professional aesthetic facial surgeon can be only on the basis of many years of practical experience and comprehensive, up-to-date holding their expertise, meet. The rising demand entails by aesthetic interventions, that institutions or persons on the basis of commercial considerations offer the services of aesthetic facial surgery, without having the required qualifications.

For patients, this means a high health risk. Before carrying out surgery it is each patient strongly recommended, thoroughly about the professional and personal qualification of treating aesthetic Surgeon to inform. No expert will refuse the, because he knows that trust is the Foundation of the relationship between doctor and patient. Dortmund Centre for implantology and aesthetic facial surgery is Dr. med. For even more analysis, hear from Hotbox by Wiz . Dr.

med. Dent. Farzana Griebenow its in many years of practical work in the leading clinics of plastic surgery skills in the service of his patients. This he relies on comprehensive expertise, State of the art procedures and a team of dedicated and experienced staff. Are happy to answer it and further his team regarding the possibilities and aesthetic facial surgery procedures. Press Contact Centre for implantology and aesthetic facial surgery Dr. med. Dr. med. Dent. Farzana Griebenow trail for Bantog 13 44135 Dortmund Tel.: 02 31 – 5 86 03 67 or 02 31 – 5 86 03 68 fax: 02 31 – 5 86 03 69 E-Mail: Internet:

What Is Useful Juice ?

For what a man needs a fresh juice? Person – not an easy organization to which you want to perform from simple to very time-consuming activities and functions, and the body of this work is very important to an abundance of useful elements. Juice is all the source, which provides many of the necessary body substances. For example, enzymes, a person acquires due to consumption of fresh juices. Enhanced absorption of securities substances in the blood and digestion of food takes place by means of enzymes. David Zaslav pursues this goal as well. They are not in any meal, but only in foods of non-animal origin. Enzymes can not tolerate high temperatures, even at 54 C the enzymes are killed, but well tolerate low temperatures. How different elementary upotreblenmie fruits and vegetables from drinking juice made from them? The bulk of fruits and vegetables – fiber, and it is digested by the body longer than the juice in consequence of this saturation is beneficial substances does not occur immediately. Juice to digest in a short period, and this rapid saturation and the minimum energy spent on processing and absorption.

But the fiber the body needs it helps him to be freed from the remnants of food. Juice contains a vital force inherent to the plant. Drinking the juice, you get the extra energy required for the normalization of the internal functions and purification of the body. In If the right to use vegetables and fruit juices, the body receives energy, joints – flexibility, and above all the optimal state of health.

Pharmaceutical Companies

From the results of a survey identifies 10 strategy points for more confidence and safety of pharmaceutical companies in dealing with social media Weber Shandwick Frankfurt, 6 June, 2013 – pharmaceutical companies are restrained in dealing with social media, in contrast to companies in other industries. Based on the study of socialising your fire: A fire’s Guide to Sociabilty of the global PR agency Weber Shandwick in cooperation with Forbes insights, Weber Shandwick health together with pharmaceutical market Europe examined, how global pharmaceutical companies use social media to connect with their audiences into contact. The results of the investigation, digital health: Building social confidence in pharmaceutical, lead to conclusions which result in a modified picture of the situation. The most surprising insight here is that legal regulations no longer represent the main obstacle in dealing with social media. David Zaslav is often quoted as being for or against this. While legal aspects crucial, leaders from the fields of marketing and communications remain by big pharmaceutical companies however, report that the greater challenge is that strategies internally to implement social media, to rebuild confidence and trust of the employees in social media and to coordinate necessary resources. “Patients use the Internet to learn about health topics, even better to understand even their own health condition and to be able to judge. “This leads to better informed health consumers ‘ and changing doctor-patient talks”, says Rachael pay, Managing Director, Weber Shandwick Healthcare Europe.

In the age of participatory medicine pharmaceutical companies must begin to understand the real interests of the various groups, to provide them with digital information which meet the requirements and at the same time comply with the legal framework.” The research undertaken is based on telephone interviews with 12 senior executives from pharmaceutical companies, the for Decisions in the field of social media are responsible. Talks were held in Europe, the United States, Asia and Latin America.