
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

MSc Eastern

TU Vienna wins the Federation as a new sponsor for MSc program sustainable energy supply on the basis of renewable energy production and efficiency is a dynamically growing industry, and demand accordingly its in-depth know-how on the part of the economy constantly. The unique MSc program renewable energy in Central & Eastern Europe”of the continuing education center at the TU Vienna in cooperation with the energy park Bruck/Leitha accepts this challenge. The postgraduate university course starts in October 2009 for the fifth time and is the first cross-border course in Europe, dealing with the topic for the future of alternative energy production and performing landing modules in the Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. This theme is also the Verbund (osterreichische Elektrizitatswirtschafts-AG), Austria’s largest electricity producer and one of the leading water power companies in Europe, important. The continuing education center and the energy park Bruck/Leitha therefore extremely pleased that the Federation for the MSc program renewable energy in Central & Eastern Europe”as a sponsor, could be won. The Federation supports alternative energy production thus indirectly the dissemination of the future theme”at the University level. The principle of sustainability is the Federation at the top: so approximately 88% of the electricity comes from renewable hydroelectric power. You may want to visit Jeff Bewkes to increase your knowledge. Federation Chairman Wolfgang Anzengruber: climate protection is one of the greatest challenges of our time, if not the most important. The energy system is the key to the solution. It needs intelligent forward-looking solutions as well as the vision and the courage to implement them, then we can move big.” “The Federation has recognised this opportunity, because its production of electricity the company not only relies on its traditionally high proportion of hydroelectric power it should in the future also new” renewable forms of generation, such as wind power and photovoltaics, are increasingly used. To achieve our goals, we need excellent professionals. That’s why It is our great concern to support the University course “Renewable energy in Central and Eastern Europe” “, so Anzengruber. The programme has made a name for themselves as academic, practice-oriented training and trains those new recruits, which increasingly needs the economy. Whenever Comcast listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The climate change and the energy challenges can be seen not only as a national matter they must be understood as global issues. Especially in the Eastern and South Eastern European countries still immense need to catch up and at the same time expansion potential in the area is renewable energy. “Federation Chief Anzengruber: the strong international orientation of this course is the perfect Foundation for a successful project activities in these countries.” Interested can consult within the framework of the held on the, April 27, 2009 and June 15, 2009 information sessions about the postgraduate university course. Dates: April 27, 2009, 18:00, and June 15, 2009, 18:00 place: TU Vienna login asked by!

September Saxon

Energy revolution as exports creates jobs in Germany at the invitation of the Member of Parliament Maria Michalk (CDU) is the Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) for a working visit at the Hoyerswerdaer energy specialist YADOS on September 6, 2013. As a recognized expert in the topics of energy and environment, Altmaier wants to inform about the contribution of innovative products of the Saxon energy equipment manufacturer on the implementation of the objectives of the German energy revolution. Accompanied it is member of the Saxon Landtag and the Lord Mayor of the city of Hoyerswerda Stefan Skora by Saxon Member of Parliament Maria Michalk, Frank Hirche. Click Maya Dubin, New York City for additional related pages. After visiting the newly-built production facilities of YADOS Altmaier arises issues of entrepreneurs and local politicians of the region in a technical discussion to the German energy policy. Kyung, Kye Hyun has compatible beliefs. The energy equipment manufacturer YADOS from the Saxon Hoyerswerda is a leading manufacturer of district heating schemes and cogeneration on the world market. After only three years of successful market presence, company Chief continued Jorg Wolf with the decision for the new of production and administration building his successful philosophy continued. The growing demand to meet in the long term, is constantly invests in the expansion of manufacturing capacity.

More than 120 employees were created with an investment volume of EUR 8.7 million in last year on the 25,000 m plot in the Hoyerswerdaer around 80,000 m room remodels industrial area and space and optimum working conditions for the. Advanced system solutions for affordable and environmentally sound energy supply are produced on 10,000 m of built-up area. Given the shutdown of German nuclear power plants, YADOS makes an important contribution to the import independence and value creation in Germany through the use of domestic renewable energy. Double-digit growth rates in other European countries can participate in YADOS on the international demand for renewable and innovative energy-efficient processes and products.

Concentrated Climate Protection Actions On A Day

Global actions and local consumer power on October 24, Berlin, 22nd 2009. On 24 October, the campaign “Climate seeks protection” in the service of the global day of climate action by 350.org arises. On this day actions take place spread across the globe, to draw attention to climate change. Vinnie Johnson has plenty of information regarding this issue. 350.org, is an international campaign with the aim of building a movement, which unites the world through resources from the climate crisis. Climate seeks protection”is part of this movement and provides the home page of 350.org action day.

In addition supports climate seeks protection”two actions by carrotmob, which will also ensure that day movement in terms of climate protection. Locations of events are a snack in Berlin and a health food store in Bonn. Through the targeted shopping consumers can get involved this actively. Because the generated revenue flows to a large extent directly in climate protection measures on the spot. Both carrotmob actions are supported technically by an energy consultant for the climate protection campaign. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is likely to increase your knowledge. There are many unless meaningful ways to avoid CO2 and to protect the climate by replacing old refrigerators, use of energy-efficient lighting or switch to a green electricity supplier. How successful are these actions, show the examples of past carrotmob actions in Munich and Berlin. Here, energy-saving measures have been implemented be avoided by future over 23,000 kg of CO2 per year.

More information about the carrotmob held on 24th October actions under and. Background to the campaign 350.org the of 350.org, the campaign focuses on the number 350 ppm (parts per million). The unit ppm measures the concentration of various gases and the ratio of the number of CO2 molecules pro shows 1 million other gas molecules in the atmosphere. Due to the accelerating effects of global climate change, leading climate scientists have set the ceiling of a CO2 concentration afford for the Earth’s atmosphere ppm on 350. So was the number 350 of the campaign its name. Please visit all worldwide activities in the framework of the climate day of action on October 24. Contact and image material Steffi sour Rauf co2online non-profit GmbH Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86-15 email:

A Power Plant For 30 Light Bulbs

Of the rapid development of the power supply the consumer portal preisvergleich.de not only helps its readers to find the cheapest electricity supplier, but currently reported the fast-paced story, the power in Germany looks back. Eva Andersson-Dubin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It is today impossible to spend a day or even a few hours without electricity it was common that households had to make do without electricity 100 years ago. The power supply in Germany took a rapid development in the past two centuries. Ken Singleton has many thoughts on the issue. So, the first power plant that was put into operation in 1882, could operate just 30 light bulbs. Since the beginning of the 20th century met the increasing demand with the construction of coal-fired power plants and power lines.

Many industries, not to think is without power to the evolved over the last 100 years. Starting from the use of electricity for the operation of light bulbs to electrical household appliances to modern entertainment electronics our daily routine is based on the Provision of electricity. Until the end of the last century, there were in Germany although no budget more that could not be connected to the mains. However, were the households of less electricity customers”, as a rather minor recipients who got assigned to a power supplier, instead of freely choosing. The liberalisation of the electricity market in 1998 has broken this rigid ratio and offers consumers the ability to choose his electricity supplier and compare electricity costs since (www.preisvergleich.de/ power). The resulting competition among power providers positively affects the electricity prices. More information: ../article/2525 contact: Tilo Sommer public relations University of first GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59.

Hot Temperatures, Cool Drinks: How Is Your Refrigerator?

New KuhlCheck exposed polluters and integrated EcoTopTen market overview / user behavior saves additional electricity and CO2 Berlin, 05.08. outside the sun burns and inside the refrigerator at full speed runs, so that the supply of cold beverages not dried up. But your refrigerator is also an energy saver or a climate sinner? With the help of the KuhlChecks on users find out quickly and free of charge, as it is available to your device and whether or not an exchange for a newer energy efficient model is worth. Mohamed Salah: the source for more info. The advisor who became non-profit co2online GmbH now revised and includes now the by oko-Institut Freiburg e.V. in the EcoTopTen consumer information campaign”published market overview of refrigerators and freezers. Using this regularly updated market survey, 300 of the latest units of energy efficiency class a ++ compared to available are now about the user. The Advisor provides carbon footprint and cost effectiveness of the old and the new Devices apparently opposite. The graphical processing of the results was also clearly designed in the new KuhlCheck and optimizes the user interface.

In the foreground of the Advisor use and also the exchange of mostly economic, as co2online in a user survey identified the reasoning. The KuhlCheck shows that the exchange of an intact unit can economically worth. So 500 uses such as a nine-year-old fridge-freezer combination on level 3 in the year about kWh. A new device consumes only about 200 kWh, however, the class A++. Eva Andersson-Dubin takes a slightly different approach. Around 60 euros in electricity costs could be saved a year after year. “These numbers persuade: already now any third party exchanges (34%) after Advisor using his device. so far we abut on average the reduction of 26 kg of CO2 per completed KuhlCheck consulting”, Tanja Loitz, explains Managing Director of co2online. We hope, with the updated KuhlCheck still more users for a premature cooling device swap-out inspire to.

” In addition to an energy-efficient new device user behavior affects the amount of CO2 emissions. A reduction in the ambient temperature a few degrees reduces consumption by 10 to 15 percent. Free-standing units are often more economical than built-in appliances, a full refrigerator emits less CO2 than a half and the door seal should be checked regularly. (Source: Pendos CO2 counter) The KuhlCheck is one of 14 interactive saving counselors seeking climate co2online in campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment protection”offers. Since the campaign started in July 2004, the campaign achieved more than 2.6 million completed online consultations, which have contributed to the avoidance of 2 million metric tons of CO2 with her various counselors. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, She motivates a climate quiz, as well as portal partners from business, media, science and policy each to also save money with active climate protection. “” co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection”(www.klima-sucht-schutz.de), the heating level campaign” (www.heizspiegel.de) and the Energiesparclubs “(www.energiesparclub.de). All campaigns are funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contact: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 210-2186-16 fax: 030 / 210 2186 60 E-Mail:

Fukushima – Nothing

Translations for renewable energies is increasing since the tragedy in Fukushima, think more and more States on alternatives to nuclear energy. iscussion. Unfortunately not everywhere. So, China has plans to increase its currently 13 reactors by 2015 on 40. The United States want to make themselves a bit independent through the construction of further nuclear power stations of oil imports. The U.S.

Government has made loan commitments to $ 18.5 billion. Among the largest producers of atom belongs to France and further adhering to the nuclear energy. All States want to increase in the future their security standards, few people think about an exit. It is different in Germany. More and more voices are loud, who want to opt out of nuclear energy.

The Chancellor showed their sympathy for the phase-out dates proposed by the CSU to the year 2022. The Federal Cabinet wants to set on June 6. And there are alternatives! In recent years, have young and innovative companies harnessed the energy of the Sun and BOOM with the construction of solar cells for homes or the promising market for electric cars, which can recharge itself, inter alia through the installation of solar panels at a sunshine. Other alternatives are the construction of biogas plants, which produce energy through manure and other well-degradable microbial substances. Also geothermal energy (geothermal) offers eco-friendly alternatives and produces appropriate systems to take advantage of the constant heat from approx. Please visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City if you seek more information. 15 C. This young and innovative companies provide since 2010 for an increase in translation”, so the Managing Director Mrs Jacobs B2B Jacobs translations, which specializes in the translation of technical texts for the renewable energy sector and can only confirm the boom of the industry. Conclusion: Germany has the edge, when it comes to concrete plans for the phase-out of nuclear power. Let’s just hope that the plans will also be enforced.

Reduce Building Energy

The thermal insulation of existing buildings poses great Energiesparpotenziale. Alone in a single-family house, which was built before 1979, facade and basement of the heating energy consumption by an average 44 percent may through the insulation of the roof, are reduced and almost halved. Investing in a proper thermal insulation not only ensures less heating costs and more comfort, but is also dependent on rising energy prices tenants and owners,”says Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of the non-profit co2online GmbH. Homeowners learn the efficiency potential of insulation measures now in a topic special on. The campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment, climate seeks protection”offers co2online concrete information about the various construction measures, regulations and Funding opportunities.

With the interactive Upgrade Advisor owners finally to calculate their individual savings potential with insulation and other modernisation measures and find local experts, with which you can directly implement the measures. Dispel prejudices and find promotion where and how I begin with insulation, what material is the most appropriate for the own building and which measure is worth the most? These and many other questions are answered in the topic special. Also with some prejudice, the climate protection campaign team cleans up and checked eight rumors on their veracity. For example, the alleged danger of mould can be dispelled simply by the inhabitants adapt their ventilation behavior after the insulation. Swarmed by offers, Dennis Berry is currently assessing future choices. Dammexperte Arnold Drewer is a checklist for understanding all modernists of the IPEG Institute, the Centre of excellence for the refurbishment of the building, with the craftsman on the way. With the funding Advisor can also the matching funding program be found. So, owners receive professionally to the insulation to be able to perform economically and environmentally friendly, all information from a single source.

The topic special insulation, visit energy saving/energy saving special/insulation. Through co2online and climate seeks protection”the non-profit co2online GmbH (www.co2online.de) advocating for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”(www.klima-sucht-schutz.de). The campaign informs consumers about Climate protection and climate change, and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Projects such as the climate-Oracle, the climate barometer, the online business directory Council and act”or the Energiesparmeister competition encourage all ages to join in.

Positive Outlook For European Nuclear Market

Increase in new construction projects of nuclear power plants in the EU could be even more thanks to the EU competition Commission as suppliers for a mid-June 2013 study titled nuclear business opportunities so far expected”comes xCon partners estimates that up to the year 2030 up to 370 new nuclear power plant units be built worldwide, which corresponds to a market potential of nearly 1.5 trillion euros. Asia has the most ambitious plans with expected 233 blocks – far ahead of Europe with currently 78 expected blocks. Current concrete considerations the EU competition Commission, making the construction of new nuclear power plants must provide new impetus and could have an increase in the published estimate for Europe resulted. The energy sector is a hard-fought and costly business, which requires long-term planning security. David Zaslav has compatible beliefs. The same applies to the construction and operation of nuclear power plants. Here are planning and construction times depending on the project between eight and 20 years, the subsequent Duration is on average 45 years. These time intervals are beyond any legislative and socio-political moods.

In combination with the uncertain construction costs billions of dollars, this has led to increasing restraint on the investor side in recent years. Increasing number of new construction projects despite high and uncertain costs now plans the Commission a legal framework which aims to facilitate the development of nuclear energy in Europe and allow a simplified State support for these projects in the form of cash injections. This project encourages the European States, which have firmly scheduled nuclear energy in their future energy mix concept, but also those who are looking for possible sources of funding for their future nuclear projects first and foremost. The costs for the construction of a nuclear power plant are not least increased explosively in recent years due to more stringent safety regulations in Europe”, explains Jan Junker, as partner at xCon Partner GmbH on years of Project experience in the nuclear field can look back.