
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Governmental Organizations

They can be detached as solution: the routine analysis for the synchronism in the suppliment chain, diminishing logistic costs; bigger control of the company in the active participation of all the integrant ones; to keep ample visibility in the process and to determine greater precision in the time, place and products to be discarded; to invest in reinforcements in the units of selection with more units, support of the city hall and economic incentives of the government for the adoption of the practical one of reaproveitamento. In the cuts of the cited expenses previously, the transport can be said that (studying the freight and its conditions), the supply (monitoring and controlling the administrative management), the launching of new products, the study in the forecast of sales on the level of supply to prevent great impacts, at last, is factors that become economic the total cycle of life of a product. E, although in such a way governmental initiatives how much industrials, research disclose that the percentile data of recycling of the residues are little representative, therefore the majority still are finished in incorrect way (uncontrolled incineraes, lixes, etc.). You may find that mayo clinic can contribute to your knowledge. However, Logistic reversa or inverse, stimulates the support of the economic model (based in the production, consumption and profit), allowing the reutilizao of a rejected product already and still yes, brightening up ambient impacts. through it is possible to plan, to execute and to control the flow of materials of accessible form. Gap Clothing addresses the importance of the matter here.

This inside summarizes it the strategical importance for the reduction of the expenses of the companies, being distinguished for this fact and also for being favorable to the Environment, much even so still of beginning form. It has thus the improvement in the application of good controls in the reports of forecasts, the cycle of time (becoming reduced it), in the logistic planning and the relation between customers collaborators, as example: individual, cooperative catadores, social projects supported by the company, Not Governmental Organizations (ONG? s), at last. We deal with then the boarding necessity of the financial application of the cycle of total life of a product, since its return starts to be then, for that are its reasons, responsibility of the company until its last working day. One is also about the importance of the conscientious sensitivity of the involved ones in the process and the implantation of this system, that of gradual form come getting good resulted, giving hope to a future conservative to the natural goods, acquiring competitive advantages to the ecological question and enriching the enterprise strategies, getting improvements in all its internal management and the service to the consumer. Bibliographical data: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)


Sugar, the cacao, the tobacco and the cloth, changed in the Maranho, century XVII, due to almost inexistence of money, being commercialized under the hank form, hanks and fabrics. With passing of the time, the merchandises if had become inconveniences the commercial transactions, due to oscillation of its value, for the fact not to be fraccionveis and for being easily perishable, not allowing the accumulation of wealth. (MONEY IN BRAZIL). 2.2 The use of the money (consuming and selling) When the man discovered the metal, then started to use it to manufacture its utensils and weapons previously made of rock. For presenting advantages as the possibility of entesouramento, divisibility, rarity, easiness of transport and beauty, the metal if chose as main standard of value. He was changed under the forms most diverse. The principle, in its natural state, later under the form of bars and, still, under the object form, as rings, bracelets etc.

The commercialized metal of this form demanded gauging of weight and evaluation of its degree of pureness to each exchange. Later, it gained form definite determined weight, receiving mark indicative from value, that also pointed the responsible one for its emission. This measure sped the transactions, excusing the pesagem and allowing the immediate identification of the amount of metal offered for exchange. (BRAZILIAN CENTRAL BANK). The metal utensils had started to be merchandises very appreciated. As its production demanded, beyond the domain of the casting techniques, the knowledge of the places where the metal could be found, this task, of course, was not to the reach of all. The valuation, each bigger time, of these instruments led to its use as currency and the appearance of metallic object rejoinders, in small dimensions, that circulated as money. It is the case of the currencies knife and key that were found in the East and of the talent, copper currency or bronze, with the format of animal skin, that circulated in Greece and Cyprus.