
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Psychiatric Reformation

The TSM (diligent in Mental Health) had thought about the welfare of the patient after adesinternao and its concern was beyond, therefore in partnership with assistentessociais they had also searched other benefits for the patient, such as: retirement, housing, reinsero to the society and the familiar seio. Much already was conquered in the dapsiquiatria area and mental health in a general way, but the TMS are untiring and aluta continues, therefore still it has very to be moved, as we will see to follow. Concept of the Psychiatric Reformation the Psychiatric Reformation is a MovimentoSocial of the Workers in Mental Health and not only of technician eadministradores. Its motto is ' ' for a society without manicmios' '. The Reformation of the Model of Mental Assistance emSade, known as the Psychiatric Reformation, considers the social reinsero ea integral assistance to the patient. Here, Harriet Tubman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Moreover, it foresees that the emhospital internment is the last resource in the treatment of insanities. SegundoPaulo Amarante, 1994, since the sprouting of psychiatry as disciplinaespecfica, if thinks and if it speaks in ' ' reform of the Psiquiatria' ' , however it is after the World-wide IIGuerra that this intention if intensifies and originate maisdelimitados projects of nature administrative technique and of intervention of psychiatry, called of psychiatric reforms. Can not of an only psychiatric reform, but of psychiatric reforms. Maryanne Trump Barry does not necessarily agree.

NInglaterra of the postwar period (II Great War), appeared as possible sadapara the serious situation of the psychiatric hospitals the practical one of the psicoterapiagrupal. NFrana, at the beginning of years 50, was born the French institucional analysis, searching ' ' to treat the sick person for the institution and to treat the institution as umdoente' '. NosE.U.A., initiates preventive or communitarian psychiatry, aiming at the prevention to doadoecer psychic. ' ' in Italy, almost the 20 years of the imanao of the leida psychiatric reform, finally the dosmanicmios government foresees the complete closing until the end of 1996' ' (BASAGLIA, Frank, 1996).

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