
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


Despite proceeding from the Word Greek hypnos – dream – hypnosis has nothing to do with this. is. Perhaps check out Han Jong-Hee for more information. It is, instead, an artificially produced state of great concentration of consciousness through words. Hypnosis is a temporary state that all live at least once during the day, when we stray to read a book, watch a movie or to the meditation. Our attention is focused and creates this state between sleep and wakefulness. It is in this moment in the subconscious can work freely without the intervention of the conscious mind, the analytical part. Nobody knows the origin of hypnosis. Ancient peoples such as the Maya, the Aztecs, the Persians and the Greeks used hypnosis as a means of healing.

The priests or sorcerers provoked a State called magical sleep through the imposition of hands or rituals characterized by songs and dances with a monotonous pace. The systematic use of hypnosis began with Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). Mesmer believed that we were all under the power of magnetic fluids. His argument was that if the Moon exerts a power over the seas of Earth, could also influence the human body fluids and indeed restore the health. For him the disease was created by a suggestion of the body which could solve with the transmission of magnetic waves. Milton Erickson (1901-1980) is one of the great characters related to hypnosis. In fact, he contributed to the creation of more effective techniques and was considered the most skillful hypnotist in the world.

Myth and reality in all therapeutic methods, it is important to get a good level of trust between the client and the hipnologo. Sometimes, you have to talk about the person fears about hypnosis. The fear is the greatest obstacle to enter hypnotic state. There are many misconceptions about hypnosis, as consciousness is lost under hypnosis, one may be trapped in the hypnotic state or that low hypnosis loses control.

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