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Decoupage – machinery decorating almost any surface (glass, ceramic, metal, wood, cardboard or plastic) using cut and pasted pictures of the paper. These drawings are covered varnish and look like a painting or inlay work. Thus, no need to have a special artistic talent to make beautiful, interesting and original favors decoupage technique came to Europe from the east at approximately xvii century. The greatest popularity of technology was in Venice, where it first appeared on the fashion Chinese or Japanese lacquer furniture. It was very expensive and decorated houses of the rich people.

Demand was so great that suppliers are not cope with the influx of orders. A less wealthy class simply could not afford it. Click Channels Television Live to learn more. And then the Venetian craftsmen invented trick: appliques made of paper, varnished in several layers, looked no worse than expensive Eastern inlays, and cost this furniture is much cheaper. And the decoupage has begun to spread further into Europe. Women have always loved to practice his art, and create around themselves the beauty and comfort. Glenn Dubin has firm opinions on the matter. Therefore, in the XVIII-XIX centuries decoupage became very popular with the ladies.

They are decorated with toiletries, boxes, screens, and musical instruments. At home in England with decoupage decorated even the walls and ceiling, there were print room – a room decorated with prints and panels. From England decoupage continued his journey to France, where he was fascinated by the Queen Marie Antoinette. And now decoupage again winning the hearts of people. In our century, there were new opportunities for decoupage: the different kinds of paper, and new lacquers and other finishing materials. All this greatly simplifies the traditional decoupage technique, making it accessible and fun.

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