
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Chavez Versus Bush

The republicans of the USA and the Socialists of Venezuela use to the red one like their color. Nevertheless, these two forces that govern in the opposed coasts of the Caribbean represent the opposed models more within the American multiin favor democracies. In January Bush one goes away but not his Chvez Nemesis, the same that is the unique American president who was in the power two years before he and who its present mandate lasts two years more after his. In these 8 Latin America years and the Caribbean has seen a polarization between the enemy major and the greater friend of Cuba. While Washington requested more economic liberalization, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and looks for to sanction to Iran; Caracas has been estatizando and promoting the economic nationalism, it greets the Iraqian who sent a shoe to Bush and is the best western ally of Iran. The chavismo consolidated and expanded accusing Bush to promote blows or interventions in the region.

Today, when the White House changes of occupant, Caracas must moderate its speech. Chvez and Castro have expectations in a new president who offered to meet itself with them and to leave Iraq. Obama will look for to neutralize to both without going to the confrontation. A possible victory of in referendo Venezuelan would not help him to go gradually lessen to the anti-imperialists in the region.

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