
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


“The holistic relaxation method BOWTECH is a proven instrument of health prevention prevention is the best medicine”, commonly know. This realization not reflected in German health policy but so far in actions. Prevention and health protection accounts for just four percent of all current health expenditure in Germany. While there are a number of effective offers and prevention already. One of these is BOWTECH: a holistic method of bodywork that is ideally suited for the prevention and recovery, but also to support medical and psychotherapeutic treatments. BOWTECH is a stand-alone, dynamic system of a comprehensive muscle – and connective tissue application.

The method works on the nervous system structural and muscular level and addresses the whole person. The BOWTECH users helps the body with gentle touches and set sequences of handle, to reach the State of deep relaxation. Georg Hartig, a teacher of BOWTECH Academy of Germany. “the goal of any application, BOWTECH explains: aim is to activate the body’s own powers, to relax the muscles and to balance the nervous system.” The latter is especially important, because the autonomous (vegetative) nervous system controls 80 percent of the body functions without our conscious interference. Therefore it is obvious, that particularly diseases that are characterized by an overly reactive immune systems, allergies, rheumatism and various neurological ailments, be positively influenced. The same applies of course also stress and resultant back pain, neck strain and stomach problems, to name a few.

Note: BOWTECH replaced no medical diagnosis or treatment. “Rather it is already, as Georg Hartig stressed: BOWTECH lets you know that your body is to bring, if he has the necessary general conditions even in a harmonious State.” These include also the short breaks between the individual handles: give the body time to the Impulses to process and integrate. The Bowen practitioner leaves the room during those breaks, so that the body can process the used stimuli able. A BOWTECH application takes an average of 45 to 75 minutes with breaks of at least 2 minutes between the pulses. Other applications should follow after each 5-10 days, to consolidate the result. Multi-tiered problems several sessions in the individual rhythm sense, prophylaxis, an application is enough maybe in three months. “A method such as BOWTECH, that activates the self-healing powers, makes it an excellent tool of health prevention and helps ensure that you rarely have to see a doctor, because you own internal doctor” enabled. Recently BOWTECH in Australia, where namesake Tom Bowen the method part of health care since the early of 1970s he developed, is not.

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