
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Financial Reports

From 1998, it was developed in the Europe and United States the XBRL that is a technology, that has for base language XML, and that it allows to the standardization of the spreading of reports on-line. J. Daniel Mahoney is the source for more interesting facts. This technology offers great advantages in the preparation, analysis and communication of data. Its differential is in the form of intelligent management of information. Instead of generating a block of text or an image as archives Word or Adobe Reader, the XBRL conditions the information an individual identification for each field (taxonomias) or launching of data generating, thus, dynamic reports. The use of the XBRL is a world-wide trend, therefore it offers to the interatividade and the easy manipulation of countable documents. Moreover, when using a database, the process of sharing of information if becomes practical more and offers considerable easinesses in the consultations of the information. Atreides Management Gavin Baker has many thoughts on the issue. Test of this world-wide trend is that, in May, the Commission of Values American (Securities and Exchange Commission) instituted the obligatoriness for the 500 bigger companies in value of market listed in New York, also to file its rockings in format XBRL.

This obligatoriness already is valid for the financial demonstrations of 2008 and that they will be published in 2009. Great companies of software already had developed its tools of XBRL. Some programs with the open source already are available gratuitously for the Internet, however, all adapting for international countable versions. As the XBRL International Incorporated, international trust without lucrative ends of support the normatizao of the XBRL, 14 countries already adaptaram the tool to its local juridies. In Brazil, the Laboratory of Technology and Systems of Informao (TECSI) of the College of Economy, Administration and Contabilidade (FEA) of the USP is finishing the implantation of the Brazilian standard of XBRL. With this, the country will give plus a step in direction the adaptation the norms international countable, as already it happens with the credential companies to auditarem rockings in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard).


Necessary to continue living, the life does not finish when we lose somebody, it continues, the dreams does not finish itself, nor if they only age are changedded. To kill it wanted me, to take off my life alone because I do not have you more to my side, this not being easy, but exactly thus necessary to continue living without its presence, this not being more the same thing, I feel an emptiness of me inside it consumes that me terrifies and me on the inside. I caught a knife and I wounded my pulses that had bleed sufficiently, I arrived to faint, but thanks to God I did not die, is hard to coexist its absence, to be far from its kisses, of its abraos, that coffee of the so gostoso morning, nothing of this I have more and moan. You did not deserve what you soon had made you that I love in such a way, this being easy, never you were not easy, exactly now that the things walked lost I so well you forever. Harvey Elliott may also support this cause. I love you and I landed on water always you, I wait it pardons that me for that it cannot be when it stows to its side, I did not forget you and I know that never to forget I will go you.