
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


It is common to hear the following commentaries: ' ' when I studied, the public school was very better, us we learned mesmo' ' , ' ' 1 degree of old valley more than 2 degree of agora' '. We hear this of educators, our familiar ones, the baker of the esquina, friends, common people and even though of authorities. The public school ' ' of antigamente' ' it was, however, another school: elitizada, exculpatory, pra few e, therefore cannot, nor would have to be compared with the one of today. The public school was opened, and tries not to hold back, not to exclude, tries yes, to become includente. However it was not structuralized for such. Today, she frequents who it are the children of the workers or the proper workers. The rescue of the dignity of this ' ' school pblica' ' it is the rescue of the dignity of the Brazilian citizen. This citizenship rescue also passes for the education of the mathematics.

I have conscience of my space-secular limitations and intellectual, therefore, I do not have the alone pretension of, coming to answer these questions, exactly because they involve distinct areas of the knowledge, and that they are very beyond my ability, exactly that he is imbudo of all possible good will. I will launch them with the certainty of that it could not answer them all, but also with the certainty of that, of some form, my doubts, investigations and uncertainties are of many, and can contribute in the reflection of these and porventura other questions. This already would be enough reason of joy and why not, of satisfaction, and thus already it would justify this work. In this text, we make an attempt to deepen the quarrel and reflection on some characteristics attributed to the Mathematics. It consists in the pertaining to school resumes of practically all the countries of the world.

The Competition

Of the competitive point of view, the games motivate the child to think in active way e, can contribute for the development of the same one because the game requires elaboration and fulfilment of rules. In this manner, we perceive that for them to demand rules, the same ones offer chances for the children to become involved in its elaboration and decision, and, it makes with that they feel themselves free to modify them. Agreeing to this idea, Kamii (1981) says that to obey the rules whose elaboration the proper child participated it facilitates the way for the development of the autonomy. What the professor must pass to its pupils before a game in group regarding the competition is that the child must know to deal with the victory of natural form and to know that to also lose is part of the game. To know more about this subject visit Paul Ostling. Some children have emotional difficulties to compete. Then it is hour of the professor to respect these conditions.

The professor never can compel to play it, therefore the value of the game if loses when it is tax. The fear also is one of the reasons for which the children prevent the game. It fits to the professor to be intent to these feelings to help them to surpass it this fear. In relation to the competition, the theory of Piaget sample that the same one in the games is the part of a bigger development that goes of the egocentrismo to an ability in knowing to deal with diverse points of view. This process of development can not only be seen in the games, but also in the life. Instead of preventing the competitive games until the children if become ' ' prontas' ' for they are necessary to try since the beginning, to show that the victory or the defeat is inevitable.

The Water

Over all, the action of the man is the one that promotes more fast degradation by means of practical that they speed up the natural disequilibrium. It agrees to cite that, beyond activities as: urbanization, industrialization, cattle, extrativistas activities and the irrigation, to promote the pollution and reduction on this natural resources, factors as deforestation and the agricultural erosion, also contribute and compromise the quality of waters. Paul Ostling is often quoted on this topic. Research discloses that, in relation to the water wastefulness the irrigated agricultural production consumes, in world-wide level, average of 72% of the water candy of the planet, being that in our country this number comes close it 63%. The industries, that produce great amount of residues in its processes, answers for a value of 20% of the world-wide use of the water candy and the human consumption represents only 10% of the use of waters. How to contribute to prevent the intensification of this problem? One becomes necessary intense fiscalization, introduction and diffusion of practical of reforestations with native species, maintenance and/or replacement of the ciliares bushes that border the rivers to minimize the risks and periods of training of degradation of ground; preservation of the springs of the rivers and its courses and to prevent the assoreamento of the existing sources, considering to guarantee the ambient balance, beyond awareness of the population fighting wastefulnesses to prevent in the future crises for water non-availability. Therefore, it is hour to understand that the hidrolgico balance, the conservation and preservation of the water also depend on all we. That let us know to take care of more and that let us can recognize the water as a well finite and vulnerable one that it needs to be preserved.


The being and coming to be: the perpetual one versus the changeable one Is said that it has much time, Parmnides said on Heraclitus: ' ' It are with the men whom nothing they know and they seem to have two heads! Next to them it is everything, also its thought, in flow. They admire the things perennially but they need to be so deaf how much blind to mix the contrary thus! ' '. In recent months, Discovery Communications has been very successful. In fact, the two original philosophers divergiam in its ontolgicas theories (ontologia is understood as the area of the philosophy that study the being and its dynamic). While Parmnides affirmed that the being never could leave of being what it is in its essence, exactly that passing for changes, Heraclitus said that the being is always in constant change, therefore ' ' If he cannot the same enter two times in rio' ' , as he says one of its fragmentos. But, what he makes the thought of Parmnides to be different of the one of Heraclitus? Parmnides tries to command the reality, making the use of two groups: what they are, and what they are not. For this, it takes as starting point the light. The light is one ' ' ser' ' , and its opposite, the blackout, is not, that is &#039 is one; ' not ser' ' . For a light, it attributed the value of everything what he is positive, and to the blackout, what it has of negative, as it says the same I break up in it: ' ' But because everything has been nominated as light and darknesses, and this as to leaves proper dynamics each thing in its singularity: everything is full of light and clear blackout of the night, while the same, both the same, therefore nothing ambos&#039 is cited seno; '. So that if something beyond the being exists, that is, of what it is, the existence would become necessary of what it is not.

A Good Virus Spreads From

IT book now available at book Habel in Darmstadt Darmstadt available ASAP can get the IT book Darmstadt 2009/2010 also in the city. In the heart of Darmstadt City Centre, in the city-Carree at HABEL & FLABBY Bookstore get the IT book Darmstadt also for only 6,-EUR incl. Walt Disney Co. is likely to increase your knowledge. VAT From Monday to Saturday 9:30 20:00 in the HABEL & FLABBY in the city-Carree, Luisenstrasse 12 64283 Darmstadt.Das HABEL & FLABBY Darmstadt team looks forward to your visit! In a unique reference book, you have direct access in seconds to more than 100 top IT companies in your area. If you secure a new ERP system, support in the area of IT risk management, software solutions in the field of medical technology, a fancy website, external server and professional Java programmer will need or want to start a joint development project with universities, the book of IT to over 400 search terms on all current IT topics companies who offer their support in this area see Darmstadt. In the book you find companies such as the software AG, the Bechtle GmbH & co. KG, cased – Center for advanced security research Darmstadt, cesah GmbH Centrum for satellite navigation Hessen, and many more – also the winners of the first IT book Darmstadt’s Darmstadt innovation award and the intelligent views GmbH: em engineering methods AG. Benefit from and make use of the expertise of the IT companies in this book. The Darmstadt 2009/2010 IT-book can be a valuable help for your company with power demand in the IT sector to find the most suitable IT partner in the region.

Sysob Presents Advanced Tsunami 8100 Series

4 G backhaul 300 Mbit/s 802 11n draft products provide high speed Schorndorf, August 12, 2009 a flexible and fast data transfer rate is essential for a successful enterprise infrastructure. However, high speed leased lines are not always an ideal solution, because a data transfer in this way often high costs and is also not possible everywhere. Discovery Communicationss opinions are not widely known. The Wi-Fi standard 802 11n (draft 2.0), however, has a better performance than wired networks or existing WLANs. The current tsunami product series QB-8100 and MP-8100 sysob-distribution partner Proxim Wireless is now about this new technology. Thus, the 802 11n products offer a low-cost alternative for an efficient and secure data transmission. By their high availability and flexibility, the tsunami-product series for companies any size represents an economical solution, which is at the same time characterized by an optimized return on investment (ROI). Free line of sight and a distance of eight A wireless can with connection kilometers up to 100 Mbit / s NET data transfer be achieved (license upgrade in the future up to 200 Mbit / s). The user thus benefits from a footprint to the power which comes from without waiting.

The 802 11n products are as point to point- and point-to-multi-point versions available. Both solutions are based on the new 802 11n MIMO (Multiple-In-multiple-out)-technology. Depending on the configurable frequency bands ranging from the individual frequency use determination of the individual countries of 2.3 to 2.5 GHz and 4.9 to 6.0 GHz. To ensure the data throughput, are the products with two 1000 Mbps PoE Gigabit Ethernet equipped ports. Due to its high bandwidth and the second Ethernet ports with PoE output products are ideal for use for wireless communication in the areas of video surveillance (video surveillance), last mile broadband access and wireless backhaul for voice, data, video and Internet access.

The Weaknesses Of Traditional MES Solutions

FELTEN group looks in the previous systems only investing Serrig risk a precursor of the holistic-based and process-oriented production intelligence solutions company in today’s deploying solutions according to the classical approach of MES, 06.08.2009 – the FELTEN group evaluated the existing MES systems only as a precursor to a development in the direction of intelligent-controlled production processes. The company describes the reasons why the existing MES self-image is too short and not enough intelligence future (PI) for the production: A point of view to isolated: the production management is considered in practice typically used alone and without involvement of the environment with its specific conditions. To know more about this subject visit Joel and Ethan Coen. The MES systems have in fact even forced such an alignment because they are despite of entitlement of integration in ERP systems not for a holistic perspective. Too much technology and system orientation: The actual potential to improve productivity within the processes, but the existing MES strategies dominated by a technical focus. And by a consequent process orientation is missing, existing optimizations can be used poorly. Rigid instead of flexible process management: The MES approach in the conventional way seek to maximize the automation in the process. Due to changes in the markets, the companies are compelled to reach a higher flexibility of procedures.

Therefore, it requires solutions that ensure a needs-based coexistence of automated and manual processes. Because especially if a high planning complexity with a large number of products and production levels and at the same time short-term management decisions must be made, the low flexibility of control causes very static conditions. The man is neglected: many automation strategies, ignore that man as carrier of intelligence, will be never fully to replace knowledge and experience in processes with technology. Through the MES is knocked out but often too much towards Automation the pendulum and has placed man with its productivity potential and in the background, instead of ensuring a balance of technology and human factor.

Neuland, Seminar And Training

Neuland BigOne – the marker for creative minds Eichenzell, August 2009 – new in the team, with unexpected color freedom on a flip chart and PIN Board: the Trainermarker BigOne of Neuland. The new thickness”combines all of the advantages you already knows of the marker and bestselling N one: ergonomic grips, wedge-shaped top in 12 mm as well as the practical roller brake on the shaft. The variety of a total of 21 different colors brings guaranteed voltage in each visualization in each seminar. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from John Stankey. The refill is no topic more: in new agricultural technology ink is easily filled a safety membrane. “A new range of colours: the new BigOne offers freedom of choice in different color palettes: either three, six, or 21 piece are included in a kit and are heads creative in the artist Edition in a creatively packaged,” delivered. This special edition is limited and is also ideally suited as a unique present.

The imaginatively designed design of the artist Kitty Kahane and Karsten Rzepka inspired for their own creative ideas and invites to the Collect.

First Video Spot

Kisura.de, Germany’s first online shopping advice for women, today released its first Web video. Berlin – Kisura sets a clear statement for the female beauty with the video campaign. The 90-second spot highlights different facets of a woman who is perfectly dressed for any occasion using Kisura under the claim you are beautiful”. Image strong, emotional scenes are combined with short statements to a strong campaigns claim: you are beautiful, to German: you’re beautiful. We believe in the beauty of every woman and want to help our clients to find their own personal style,”Tanja Bogumil, Managing Director of Kisura, explains the campaigns claim. “The core message of the film that sums up: the spot points out, what matters to us is on unique outfits for every woman, every taste, every style”. In the spot, you can see a woman who is representing, is differently styled for different types of women according to age, time of day and occasion.

We audition all fashion and online savvy women from the mid twenty to, who have no time or inclination to anonymous, stressful shopping and still always want to be well-dressed”Bogumil describes the innovative concept of online shopping advice. The spot in collaboration with true motion pictures was developed. It was shot in Berlin. To see the video in the YouTube and Vimeo channels by Kisura. The Kisura GmbH with seat in Berlin is Germany’s first personal online shopping platform for women.

The Berlin startup was founded two graduates of the founders wrought in the autumn of 2012 by Tanja Bogumil and Linh Nguyen – HHL (HHL) with previous experience from the startup industry. The company has been active since March 2013 and has served over a thousand customers. Currently Kisura has 14 employees and is located in the heart of Berlin in Prenzlauer Berg. Press contact: Tanja Bogumil, Tel.: 030 44017038, E-Mail:, kisura.de/newsroom company contact: Kisura Ltd., Danziger Strasse 88, 10405 Berlin, Tel.: 030 44017038,. E-Mail:,

Michael Adam

“Danielle has a special flair for stylish products and on their shop treasure trove collected so it is also a valuable advisor for our range”, explains Hubert Jakob. In this way, pinkmilk.de combines the charm and personality of a stationary shop with the professionalism and convenience of online stores, for example the free shipping from 20 euro and the delivery to the following day. We see the great potential in the personal character of pinkmilk, which now also online makes a sensual and trusting experience from a shopping”so Michael Adam. The startup from the beginning in a way that other companies must laboriously learn goes with the consistent focus on the new media. The social media blog, Facebook and Twitter are central elements for us with our customers in a constant and very open dialogue to occur and their needs early record “, says Michael Adam. The blog pink drops also regularly gives an insight behind the scenes of pinkmilk and gives parents as to the further development of the shop. Until Christmas, the founder of the pinkmilk plan substantially to expand the product range in the field of fashion and care.

Early 2012 want we also take in the second step then furniture, because the demand for high-quality children’s furniture is steadily increasing, online but not yet operated due to the complex delivery”, explains Hubert Jakob. In addition, the entire range for older children of school age will be expanded significantly. About pinkmilk: Pinkmilk, the high quality and personal online shop for mothers and children, presents selected products for living, clothes, games & learning, gift-giving and maintaining under. You want to enrich family life at all stages. pinkmilk customers are predominantly female and want to actively shape their world. They are online affine, versatile interested in and have a strong sense of aesthetics, trends and sustainability. pinkmilk know what mothers need to meet these requirements in all areas of family life.