
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Yahoo Finance

It is harvested once a year with very little effort; the sales price per kg is approximately 50,000 Paraguayan Guarani (GS) – approx. 10.-euros – and more. The highest selling price per kg in 2008 amounted to 90,000 GS (3-year calculation *). You must invest just 1 x for land as well as for the plantings. To reach the 1st harvest after 2 to 3 years and thus it has total investment capital, which has invested, back again.

From the 4th year or 5 year you profit only. To plant 500 trees on 1 hectare of land (recommended), but also maximum 625 trees at a distance of 4 metres can be planted, so you can generate, once the trees have grown a gross profit of 250.000.000 Guarani after 4 to 5 years. Given the current state of the Guarani (7 October 2008), this is equivalent to 50.000.-euro per year. This emerges from the following invoice: 500 trees x 10 kg x 50,000 Guarani (a possible loss is taken into account). On waehrungsrechner.html, you can find a currency converter, with which you at any time even the win by Guarani in euro, US$, or can convert into another currency. With this, our numbers have been converted, because the currency converter up to one minute exact exchange rates from Yahoo Finance receives. The capital is in contrast to the profit but much lower.

Is calculated for 1 ha a2. 500. – euro incl. surveying and notary costs + 500 trees, which are already 1 year old as soon as possible to get into the profit zone, a10.-euro per tree (5.000.-euros for 500 trees) + planting – and more costs for grounds maintenance, any irrigation and labor costs of approximately 3.500.-euros, so the pure investment amounts to 11.000.-euro per hectare. Even after 2 years waiting get paid that 11.000.-euro, because the plants bear the first fruits after 2 years.

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