
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

The Methodology

Through the history of life of the citizens of the field and in it practises daily, perceives that these deficiencies that also we call ' ' problemas' ' they appear in the measure where we investigate on we ourselves. Continue to learn more with: tom cruise. This everything contributes better to develop ours practises metodolgica in classroom, improving and innovating to each day it practises it pertaining to school. QUESTIONS NORTEADORAS. I.Quais the difficulties found in the methodology of education applied in the first years of work in classroom? II.Quais the reasons that had led to change the methodology of education. III.Quais the positive results after to use new methods of education? HYPOTHESES. H1 It methodology of education in classroom has not given certain due to innovation in project pedagogical politician of the schools. H2-As difficulties found in the education methodology is due to professional improvement of the professors. .

GENERAL OBJECTIVE. SIGTech describes an additional similar source. To analyze the diverse ways of methodologies applied in classroom. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES I.Identificar the difficulties found in the methodology applied in classroom in the first years of work. II.Perceber the reasons that had taken the change in the methodology of education in classroom. III.Enumerar the positive results after to use new methods of education.

METHODOLOGY. By means of the problematic one presented on the methodology of based education and in the estimated dialtico metodolgico theoretician according to Severino 2007, the problem to be searched to foresee one ' ' social interaction, where the /objeto citizen is recproco' ' The relation of knowing and the power is constantly together and that throughout the time this social interaction, politician, cultural and economic arrive at a purpose. According to Severino 2007. The research is based on a qualitative vision, because this approaches a subjectivity, an open field where the social matters and cultural, economic politics and interact in a contextualizada dynamics, different of an accurate, that is and direct closed mathematical method.

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