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Health Benefits Of Honey

The honey is a Gummy fluid, Golden, sweet, thick, and delicious that produce bees, basically from the nectar of flowers. Bees produce and store to feed during the winter and to feed their larvae. The physical/chemical characteristics of honey are determined, basically by the type of nectar that bees collect. In general terms contains: glucose, fructose, sucrose, amino acids, proteins, vitamins C and B, plus minerals. Honey is primarily used in desserts, complementing the bread at breakfast and snacks, and as a sweetener in various beverages such as tea and cuisine.

The honey consumption is highly recommended by the vitamins and antioxidants it contains. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Time Warner. Honey also has highly curative properties, and this can help us in trouble in breathing, digestion, heart disease, healing, among others. Apitherapy for health problems is also recommended. Honey has many therapeutic properties. It can be used externally due to its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

Thus, honey helps heal and prevent infections in wounds or superficial burns. It is also used in cosmetics (creams, masks for facial cleansing, tonic, etc) due to its astringent and soothing qualities. More information is housed here: Celina Dubin. Honey is also used in traditional medicine. It is an excellent natural preservative. Due to its content of simple sugars, rapid assimilation, honey is highly caloric (around 3.4 kcal/g), making it useful as a source of energy. Honey is not spoiled, is highly durable, will not expire. The preservative effect of honey due to its low concentration of water and is identical to that allows prolonged conservation of sweets and fruits in syrup where the high sugar content decreases the water content. I invite you to visit where you will find recipes, tips on how using honey in beauty, therapeutic, and others. In addition to that you can participate with your comments. Honey is a highly nutritious natural product that has many benefits for the people.