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Burnout: When The Body Raises The Alarm – And

More and more people suffer from exhaustion and stress negative stress, falling reserves, exhaustion: modern life is to create more and more people. The body raises the alarm, the person feels almost burnt out”. Further details can be found at Coen brothers, an internet resource. Therefore, physicians must diagnose increasingly so-called burnout syndrome. We observe a steadily increasing in recent years at the lighter to moderate mental disorders due to external conditions, “so Dr. Rudolf Gross, chief physician of the clinic and day clinic for Psychiatry and psychotherapy at St. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Coen brothers and gain more knowledge.. Mary’s Hospital Mulheim a. d.

Ruhr, in the report about Burnout on the online health portal rheinruhrmed.de. The Burnout-Syndrome is a disorder of it. It is a protection mechanism of the body of that screams for help.” The causes are often in the workplace, but also in the private sector. The symptoms are varied: physical and mental fatigue caused as well as the sense of the everyday and professional demands can no longer. Sleep disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome are other symptoms. But also back or stomach pain, skin problems, loss of appetite and sexual aversion are an expression of this state of emergency.

How this condition treated can be, read:.. / burnout… rheinruhrmed.de is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. rheinruhrmed.de is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!