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More Expensive Mortgages

/ Each month will have to pay average 58 euros more. Euribor experienced its first annual fall in June. Euribor July forecasts already indicated at the beginning of week that the indicator most used for the calculation of mortgages would close around the 2,162%, implying a significant encarecimientos of these. Finally, the final fee has been exceeded by one tenth those data and stood at 2,183%, leading to increases in mortgages of 58 euros per month on average and almost 700 (698 EUR) per year. The euribor rebounded this month after finish June with an average of 2,144%, which then meant their first annual fall. In addition, after placing this Friday in daily rate in % 2,178, July average exceeds that was reached in the same month of 2010, when it was 1,373%.

Now attained by the euribor rate is the highest since January 2009, when it stood at 2,622%. During this month of July, that the euribor began at 2,172%, highest rate is It recorded the past day 8 when they reached 2,201% and the lowest 19, 2,169%. The average rate of July, which must be confirmed by the Bank of Spain in the next few days, shows that a mortgage hired a year ago by an average amount of 150,000 euros and a repayment period of 25 years that check in August, which applies the rate of the previous month, it will cost an additional average of 58 euros per monthi.e., almost 700 per year. And is that once you apply the current euribor, will that average mortgage payment amount to 649,23 euros per month, against the 591 of a year ago. In August 2008, the euribor reached the second dimension more high-its history, the % 5,323, and resulted in increases in quotas for mortgages close to 900 euros per year. Since then the euribor undertook an evolution down that placed him in March of 2010 at the lowest level of its ten years of history (1,215%), a soil that has moved away to measure that liquidity problems in the atenuaban market and, above all, a time that the European Central Bank (ECB) resumed in 2011 its traditional monetary policy of containment of inflation. Source of the news: the July euribor rises to 2,183% and more expensive mortgages an average of 700 euros per year