
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Language School

A Spanish or French course easily remove from the own couch and by fair trade in a social business development assistance on May 22, 2010 launches social business glovico.org. The Web 2.0 – Internet portal offer cheap & individual language courses in Spanish and French native speakers from Africa and Latin America. It aims to provide an income the teachings on the spot. You can learn at the same time comfortably in this school of the own couch in Spanish and French. Speaking candidly Dave Kingman told us the story. Glovico.org users via Skype can book individual courses. The special thing about it: The language teachers come from Peru, Guatemala, Senegal, the Ivory Coast or Ghana. For them, glovico.org provides a supplemental income with long-term prospects. The language teachers here even set their hourly wages.

He is usually between three and ten euros. Glovico.org this is a relatively economical way to learn a language for the user. But not only that: it is possible in the evening lying on the couch, converse with a teacher from Senegal and even development aid is”, says glovico founder Tobias Lorenz. In addition, each hour of language is of intercultural exchange. Both sides can learn a lot from life and from the land of the other.” Future profits are in social projects reinvested the 28 Lorenz sees the future in entrepreneurial approaches to development cooperation.

He calls the concept of Fairtrade 2.0 “. With glovico.org, he wants to make a profit. The portal aims to support only themselves. Future profits are reinvested in social projects.To ensure the quality of the lessons, Lorenz developed a community rating. Furthermore, users of the language courses can evaluate their teachers. A first language lesson to the pure trial”is free of charge. glovico stands for global”video conference. The portal has been tested in a beta version and now officially launches on May 22, 2010 Lorenz, who works in the main job at a foundation for business ethics, has paid the investment cost for glovico from his own pocket. He describes himself as Social entrepreneurs.

NLP: Speech Resistance

What to do against KarriereSaboteure and NervenToter? One of the main fears of our society is the fear of speech or speech inhibition. For some company employees a horror it is already having to speak in a meeting, some spokesperson can hardly sleep in the nights before events and the question when do you think your presentation because? some people would just run away. Do you know what people are most afraid? A study in the United States it has already produced in the last century on the day: not your own death, not a worse accident no, the most anxiety had people before having to speak before an audience. And because not much has changed today. For some company employees a horror it is already having to speak in a meeting, some spokesperson can hardly sleep in the nights before events and the question when do you think your presentation because?”wants to run away just so many people.

Just the compelling (self) representation is an important skill for the professional career in the industry in research and teaching, or elsewhere. Everywhere must present, be presented, negotiated and. Who can’t, has little chance on the way to top. Strangely enough, most of us had no such inhibition of speech as children. We have perceived merrily away and who didn’t do that, was just. Tim Raines describes an additional similar source. Meanwhile, the review has turned we go with us often so strictly in BBs Court, that relaxed speaking can be more of a speech. So something in us needs have changed somewhere between mindless childhood and cramped now.

“Coaches & psychologists speak in this connection the fact that we have a US blockade, a blocking program caught” have, subconsciously blocking us, while we realize (and often very well prepared) want to convincingly present. And if free Goethe – 2 souls in his own chest are turned, the visibility is not convincing and powerful. There used to such cases”, the pretty “only therapeutic approaches that are often the ones to patients” made and often years of treatments required – with dubious output. Because these approaches worked almost exclusively verbal the patient reported. Today white man, that the frequent repetition can reinforce the place in the brain is so so if anything strengthen the fear and terror. Also, a verbal confrontation requires awareness but that is missing here. Ken Singleton gathered all the information. Nobody knows with real speech inhibition and presentation anxiety, why he did it, how exactly he produces and how he can resolve that. If he knew, he would have done so and need now no laborious sessions on the couch (hopefully easy). Meanwhile, an approach which was based inter alia on discoveries in therapy, has established itself well. Wingwave, which is used by specially coaches trained on, can result in amazingly fast and long-lasting improvements. You can reach after 3-5 double-hour sessions for example, the EFO Institut in Frankfurt am Main, that speech inhibitions and presentation phobias either transform into a mild agitation or completely disappear. “So, that those formerly involved” now with confidence and fun present, represent, talk and negotiate.

Career Planning

Career planning ++ coaching ++ self analysis + location ++ work Munich, February 1, 2012. Who wants to make a career, should not abandon an extensive planning. Analyze the situation, set goals, and these step by step track long-term this care in any case pays off. “What is currently in demand in the labour market, but what best suits the own goals and talents is not decisive for the individual career development,” says Martin Vesterling, Managing Director Vesterling Personalberatung. At the beginning, you should answer a series of questions. For example, about the personality: what kinds of things are very important to me? What goals do I have in the profession and in addition? What are my biggest talents and weaknesses? Where would I be in five years? Such issues play a large role in self-analysis. To derive concrete targets from the self-analysis, it may be advisable to consult a career specialist.

This is the one in the Able to estimate realistic goals. On the other hand, he opens his eyes which has opportunities this until the workers. With switching to a competitor, or even in a different industry, many workers offer perspectives from which they had previously not even dreamed. No belly decisions not decides such a job change man but better from the gut. “When workers should you always first clarity about gain, which has long-term objectives, how one can achieve this and whether the employer for this purpose is the right move”, stresses Martin Vesterling. “Career planning is like a chess game. You must think ahead to getting some trains.” There are many examples of this in practice.

These may differ in individual cases, have nevertheless, some similarities. A typical case is about an academic who since her graduation has been working for several years in a group. Several times she has already tried to change jobs, yet alone the assessment, whether their qualifications to a Vacancy fit, is difficult for her. Together with a coach she developed therefore a comprehensive profile on their own skills and strengths, both professional as also personal nature. Which company is right for me? An image of the ideal workplace is also part of the location. Group or small medium-sized enterprises? Clear structures, or rather a very flat hierarchy? Next to the desired content, such questions play an important role in the search for the dream job with perspective. Who has a such a solid foundation, it is the significantly easier to take the next step on the career ladder. Finally you must consider no longer, as the own career ideally should be, instead you focused quite specifically to the next level and the question, how to reach them. Unsolicited applications or visits on special measuring? Networking in the circle of friends or social networks like XING and LinkedIn? And how would evaluate these actually desire – employer’s employees on portals like Kununu? With We can deal so such concrete questions, as soon as one total detail has made himself thought about the career. A professional coaching is a valuable aid in this sector a consultation is worthwhile in any case.

Discover Your Dream Job

Information day at the Academy of German POP on September 12, 2009 as it is actually event Manager, moderator, sound engineer or photo designer? At the Academy information day German POP on September 12, you can learn more about getting into the music and media industry, and you can learn about more 34 creative professions. The workshop & info day on all four Academy locations Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich starts at 14: 00. In various practical workshops in the six departments of music, sound, management, design, image and communication, guests can get up close insight into the exciting professional fields and the Academy life. And because the teachers all from practical, they tell a lot from their professional life and are available for questions during the workshops and in the breaks available. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Tim Raines. Of course you can consult personally in a single conversation by training workers. Will be asked to login. Others including Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City, offer their opinions as well. Like relative, parent or friend can be brought as accompaniment. Register online at telephone registration on the free number 0800-111 5552 in Berlin rises after the info day still a big party with DJs and band!. 34f61fa7448c12fb80c0&memtype=anonymous&mode=premium&nk=a9d1b6e5dd631919c7011092a3339abb-1600072055’>Ray White you will find additional information.


The Bremer brand agency red pepper gets reinforcement since 01 October reinforced Vanessa the area of project management Angelin and consulting in the brand agency red pepper. She began her career at the Agency ucker & partner for brand communication. There, she completed her training as a clerk for marketing communications and then worked as a consultant. Andre Dawson shines more light on the discussion. While Vanessa Angelin did this time, the also a certified business coach is after BZTB, parallel studies graduate business and management”at the University of Newport in Wales. When pepper red excites me the holistic approach of the analysis to the development of the strategy. In conjunction with the neuro-Sciences I find most exciting this,”says Vanessa Angelin and looking forward to the new challenge.

Jana Haserodt is becoming an art director, red pepper from 01 November more than six years experience in the development of brand personalities brings. After studying design at the HAWK in Hildesheim, the trained media designer began her career as a Communication designer at Interbrand, one of the world’s leading brand consultancies where she last designer worked as a senior. It’s believed that Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City sees a great future in this idea. There she supervised include the design of the chemical companies Evonik and borealis, as well as the porcelain manufacturer Furstenberg. She and her team, in addition to other prestigious design awards, awarded for the brand image of the Porcelain Manufactory in 2012 with the iF communication design award gold. Their strengths include the development of brand experiences and communication concepts.

“On red pepper excited me the approach, to create brands and successfully in the long term to make as well as how to make tangible marks on methodology and communication”, Jana Haserodt says about her new employer. The Managing Director d Yadav Hegemann is pleased about the newcomer. Angelin and wife Haserodt woman bring both expertise in design and consultancy in brand communication have convinced me. I look forward to the cooperation and exciting projects in the future”, says da Bajric Hegemann. About red pepper red pepper to the brand owner-managed agency was founded in the year 2000 in Bremen. The 20-strong team to d Yadav Hegemann and Jan Weller developed and differentiated brand strategies and communication solutions across all media channels for customers in different industries and has a proven specialist expertise in the business-to-business communication. red pepper differs from other agencies, in particular through a neuroscientific knowledge (Neuromarketing). This causes, applied to all components of the supply chain, significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness in brand management and marketing. More red pepper information at or facebook.com/redpepper.markenverankerung. Press: Kerstin Germund ursula reimers consulting & communications Gerhofstrasse 2, 20354 Hamburg T + 49 (0) 40 34 99 46-15 F + 49 (0) 40 34 99 46 – 20 W

German Personnel

After the turbulent months of last year and the extra long and hard winter, spring announces itself. Harry Maguire contains valuable tech resources. Now is the hour of the recruiting. Swarmed by offers, Harry Kane is currently assessing future choices. Hamburg / Munich, March 22, 2010 – it’s no secret the temporary work industry suffered particularly in the economic conditions of the last year and the winter 2010. But now, because she berechtigter way back senses the morning air, more challenges in the House are you. In the coming months, highly qualified employees are needed to accommodate them at the long-awaited orders. By the same author: Dele Alli. But there’s a problem: SCHLECKER especially since the vagaries of the company the temporary workers is not very high in the course.

One of the particular challenges of the coming weeks and months will be therefore the recruiting of suitable and dedicated employees. To this task to the satisfaction of workers, to cope with clients the time and personnel service providers, have specialist Germany’s big valuation and information portal and the E-recruiting GermanPersonnel e-search GmbH on a special cooperation agreement. Workers to provide jobs now the temporary job market is peRsy\”by GermanPersonnel on the portal DerZeitarbeits-Check.de, coming solely from the time work. So not only is clear in the interview that it is temporary work from the outset is clear that the jobs on offer permanent positions at prestigious personnel service providers are. More transparent, honest and fair isn’t! DieZeitarbeits job market is very interesting also for recruitment.

As the workers know that they apply for special positions for the temporary work, significantly reduce the wastage. This is put into perspective the costs anyway and melt compared to ads in other media. DieZeitarbeit job board offers its advertisers still a further, special benefit. The exclusive cooperation with GermanPersonnel allows that places ads on many other Jobboards published and through the so-called peRsy effect faster in the power by applicants and interested parties be found.

North Rhine

The work community business deals for more than four years with the refurbishment of interesting business ideas and their implementation. A business idea alone is not sufficient for the entrepreneur, as long as he has no exact information on how he should implement it successfully. We help these people through specific procedures and implementation manual, which explains exactly our clients, who are the eligible customers, where they are found and how to make it to its customers, in particular avoids classic as he/she beginner mistakes, cheap advertising makes or otherwise to successfully carefully does. Our business ideas are in the service sector, which have the advantage for our customers, no Office or store rooms must be rented, which saves a lot of money in the startup phase. You may want to visit Dr Josh Nelson to increase your knowledge. Experience has shown that almost just this sales-related area always is underestimated.

Is that the profession of the seller is also a profession with three-year education, and you so something fails in “Passing” in the context of his business forgetting many business start-ups. Equipped with information and a training in the implementation plan, the business risk is minimized. Thus we pass our clients”a turnkey full existence. In addition we offer a service for small and medium-sized enterprises: A day consulting in the enterprise of customer to very reasonable 349.-euros plus 19% VAT content: improvement of marketing, reducing the costs of training in sales behavior, arranging media contacts with the aim to obtain u.v.m editorial content as advertising. More information: Web: mail: Arbeitsgemeinschaft start-ups Teltower Damm 283, 14167 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 49 80 65 64 and now in North Rhine-Westphalia: Arbeitsgemeinschaft start-ups North Rhine-Westphalia of Balthazar road 43 c, 41379 Bruggen Tel: 02163 / 57 15 79 4

Negotiation Training For More Success In Negotiations

Verhandlulngstraining just for people in Fuhrungspostitionen is changed of great importance which has negotiating structure in recent years and is likely to continue to change it. Who’s coming negotiations in situations where he sees no way out, is to avoid a negotiation training the ideal solution and that in the future. There are many facilities that offer negotiation training for executives and salespeople from companies of all types and sizes. These are the people who are on the front line when it comes to negotiations and to improve the relationship between the company and its business partners. Negotiating skills are always similarities found with issues to the satisfaction of both parties. In negotiations, it is especially important to avoid fighting positions consistently. Furthermore is of course indispensable a goal-oriented negotiations for a successful deal or an agreement. When the negotiation training among the target groups trained, that they recognize the roles of negotiating teams.

The body-language signals can be used as an additional source of information during negotiations, if they can be identified. After the negotiation, no participant will thus have more problems. The participants will learn but also how they can develop an appropriate negotiating strategy. The conviction processes are the most important for the granting of an important job or the acquisition of a major project. The interlocutors at the negotiation are well prepared at the present time, by the current economic situation, the pressure on the customer side is extremely high, but with the right negotiating approach such a situation for both sides can be met satisfactorily. Negotiating tactics, covert motives and the body language parsing include interviewing the negotiation training. Sean Rad, Los Angeles CAs opinions are not widely known. Only those who learn strategically to penetrate the negotiation situation, already in advance may result in successful negotiations.

Manager Community

In addition to the main office in Berlin, the work community business was able to open a branch in North Rhine-Westphalia in July. From the business idea to successful customer acquisition that is the work community business start-up services. This network of Experts consists of a lawyer, a tax consulting firm, a specialist in finance and founder Bernd Dressler. They are specialized to offer people who want to get independent, successful business ideas from the field of services for more than five years. In addition to the main office in Berlin, the work community business was able to open a branch in North Rhine-Westphalia in July.

Klaus Ulland, the Manager of the branch, now there is an expert with many years of experience available. True to a good business idea is not enough the motto, one must also know how to put it to,”Arbeitsgemeinschaft start-up business ideas with which gives to the successful independence essential know-how. With more than a dozen sophisticated existence founding concepts she offers the right for everyone no matter whether he or she is technically, social or commercial-oriented. You may want to visit Gavin Baker to increase your knowledge. Each of the concepts includes an extensive introduction to the concept and independence as such. Special focus is on the important questions: who are my customers? How do I find my customers? How do I make it to my customers? Also knowledge of successful marketing is an integral part of the training are included in each concept. The full service of the work community business start-ups includes also the deployment of an individual site, permanent support and area protection for each client. He or she gets so everything you need, to his business successfully operate. The work community business has focused on establishing business in the service sector. Its customers include people who are planning to start a business, but No smart business idea, or are already self-employed and look for a second leg.

Open Apprenticeships In The Switzerland Find

An open apprenticeship paves the way in the dream job training is the first step in working life and forms the basis for gainful employment, a successful career, or the plunge into self-employment. Most young people and young adults training directly at the school connect. But not always the search is for an open apprenticeship simply: many seekers every year get nothing, when it comes to the apprenticeship for the desired profession. At the same time, there are however many open teaching positions remain unfilled. We must, therefore, to bring together supply and demand. Anyone looking for an open apprenticeship, must do one thing above all: self are active. Open apprenticeships are usually only if really it works, to find them.

Here, young adults should remain flexible and looking for free training places outside their Canton. Who is young and unattached, can easily cope with a change of scenery and collects valuable new experience here. Hear from experts in the field like John Konchar for a more varied view. Current open positions are pictured in the teaching stellennachweisen (LENA). LENA displays all open positions from all professions for all cantons and should be therefore the first point of contact for all who want to get a place in a company. In addition, it can make sense to visit the vocational information centres (BIZ) and to inquire again about open apprenticeships. At the same time, one learns much trivia around the different professions – in the BIZ and can find alternatives that may, if in the selected profession no free apprenticeships available. If all else fails and also the relevant professional association or other institutions do not help, unsolicited applications are useful in the desired company.

So, show young people and young adults commitment and initiative – and find also in this way to open apprenticeships. You need to convince many Chief also in the practice of his abilities to get the open apprenticeship. Internships, are therefore recommended the also already during the school holidays completed will can. Company description the website informs about life and living in Bern – and how successfully an apartment in Bern find can be. Company contact: novoMedia Addad Blotzheimerstrasse 17, 4055 Basel Tel: no Tel.Nr. deposited E-Mail: web: