Tinted car – what is it? Luxury, convenience, or it may be necessary? Let's try to figure it out. Luxury. Tinted glass, perhaps, gives the car elegance, regardless of the model, color and year issue – it is a fact. But with all this luxury car tinting in our time is difficult to call. Firstly, because the cars with tinted windows, now, very much, and, therefore, any individual is not stressed, and hence, the uniqueness can not be considered. Learn more at this site: Jeanette Winterson.
Secondly, it is fun (in Moscow), 3 to 5 thousand rubles, which is quite expensive for the average metropolitan motorists. Hence, a small conclusion: tinting the car – not a luxury. Convenience. You can not say for sure, but pluses in tinting car windows rather more than the minuses. (A valuable related resource: Harriet Walter). Let's start with the pros. You are going after work in rush hour, you want to go home soon, and, of course, the Ten Commandments driver and you do not want to think (which, incidentally, in vain, in my opinion). You are trying to rebuild, if necessary, is not afraid of the word boldly, "climbs" in the next lane, and immediately come across no foul language, with the driver, who goes by his band.
If you are at this point to look into his eyes – this can make him aggressive. If he sees that you did not react, and in this case, your yield to its physical dimensions opportunities – it also can cause a humble driver aggression in a critical situation, with all ensuing consequences. If there is a tinted car – the potential for conflict is much decreases as you can not see, and suspense in a normal person does not cause aggression. Of course, this does not mean that the presence of tinted glasses in your car gives you more power on the road or the right to non-compliance. Not at all! I ask you: be careful on the road – this is the most effective tool and solution of most problems, even before they occur! But in some cases, when a problem does occur, tinted glass helps out. Fewer problems – so safe and convenient. And even if you never break the rules, and do not stand in traffic jams for hours – it's like when you have tinted windows, you do not feel like an aquarium, because nobody will see it and not annoying. There is one drawback. In the dark, especially unaccustomed eye, tinted glass creates some problems – you can see really well, but it's a matter of habit. On the other hand, when you riding in the dark along a narrow road – you will not interfere with the headlights of cars on the opposite lane, as well as through the mirror are not blind, you overtaking cars with xenon headlights. A small conclusion: auto tinting – it's still comfortable. Necessity. The above factors, with all the consequences, positive as displayed on the driving, and, consequently, the security lowers the probability of an accident; decreases the likelihood of entry into conflict with other road users. With tinted glasses you feel calmer, more confident and more secure. Maybe someone and not consider it a necessity, but I think would agree that tinted car – is less than a luxury, but more than convenience.