
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

New Secretary

The choice of a new Secretary was on the agenda. Other topics were the new Trinkwasserverordung and the current tenancy law. a Cola Foundation on most websites. After the greeting, the 1st Chairman Armin Nowak reported on the events of the last year. Here, he mentioned that Mr. Walter Bohm was appointed an honorary member according to the last meeting. The Club also its own website (www.haus-und-grund-berchtesgaden.de) and facebook page has since 01.07.2011. The new drinking water regulation was introduced to the 01.11.2011 and caused confusion.

Also about the new tenancy law reform and the possibility of therein, that the tenant in the future for three months at an energy-related modernisation have no right for reduction, stated Mr. Nowak. For more information see this site: Rusty Holzer. In the spring of 2012, Mr. Armin Nowak the Bavarian chalet and landowner tag in Augsburg has participated and of which reported that there were elections here. As a positive message, Mr.

Nowak could furthermore reports that there will be no forced renovations, as feared,. There was an agreement on the energy efficiency directive the EU. Next, the cashier wife Stefanie Datz reported on the cash situation. The Auditors judged her a proper Treasury management. Then the cash Auditors and the entire Board of Directors was relieved. As the 1st Chairman Armin Nowak wanted to round off the Board in the home – and landowners Association, Ms. Christine Ziegler was employed in an internal meeting of the Board of Directors at the new as acting Secretary. This Office should now be confirmed in the General Assembly. The choice of Ms. Christine Ziegler was unanimously and she accepted the election. At the point of wishes and requests, Mr Christian Grassl was the request that the home – and landowners Association should engage in the planning of the five municipalities in the southern Valley, also the home and property owners are affected. In an article of the Berchtesgadener Anzeiger, citizens were asked to give their opinion.

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