
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


The symbols are reflected in values, attitudes, beliefs, norms, language, customs, habits and, objects, explicit in the type of housing, clothes, utensils. All of these components, learned, shared and transmitted from an offspring to another, by members of a society, are factors that determine, regulate and shape human behavior. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Robert A. Iger . And its modification which marks a DNA genetics, is extremely difficult to do. From these definitions should be conceived to cultural diversity as a natural interaction of symbols and objects that coexist within a given scope, involving, at the same time, the openness to differences and the preservation of the particularities. This coexistence of dissimilar cultures, happens in the context of tourism, student exchanges, literary, artistic, military, civic or commercial. This unique coexistence of values and rituals open passage between the borders, while the shadow (or light) of globalization covers the activities of the world order how plays then this conglomerate of substances and unequal emblems on acquisitions or mergers? How are nearby cultures integrated? How manage you the distant? How blend more homogenous cultures, from nearby roots, and how reaches it the opposite? It would be likely that those countries that have values, rites, figures, emblems and similar practices, can generate better relationships than those who possess a remarkable cultural distance (Morgan and Hunt, 1994). Find Nations with identical cultures is an impossible undertaking. Even within the same territory, under a common language and a same flag, were able to find differences and subcultures that condition the relations between its members, how can assume then discover countries with gaps so small that they do not affect business occurring among its members? Peoples presented cultural distances between itself and, therefore, an organization should consider these gaps to channel an adjustment to the reality of the culture with which longs to interact. If heterogeneity can be perceived as a difficulty of integration, you could surmise a priori, that homogeneity could pave the way towards an intercultural communion.

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