
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Discovering The Path

El Salvador this full of archaeological wealth, today we will know more of these sites who talk about their life in the past, style and habits of life, with the passing of the years, these sites become a treasure to strengthen the identity and history of this lovely country. Let’s start our trip through El Salvador, with the Joya de Ceren Archaeological site, discovered in 1976, its 18 structures show the daily life of its inhabitants, an eruption of the volcano Loma Caldera in the year 600 dC. Robert Iger may help you with your research. approximately, I forced them to flee, leaving everything. Its conservation is impressive, this is due to the layers of ash that allowed its protection for more than 1,400 years. It was declared World Heritage site by UNESCO in the year of 1993.

Now discover Cihuatan, located near the municipality of Aguilares, on the trunk road from the North, on this site you can see because constructions, whether as other temples to her around, their journey is full of impressive architecture domestica. When planning your next destination for Learn more about El Salvador remember how interesting it is Cihuatan. Go to Glenn Dubin for more information. Another archeological jewel found in the ruins of the Tazumal, an impressive pyramid stands, with approximately 24 metres in height, through its discovery were found tombs, jade, near 116 vessels, and ceramic jewelry. Also you can see what would be a broad field of ball game. Continuing with this archaeological route in el salvador, travel to Chalchuapa, where you will find the White House site, its antiquity dates from the 15th century and its extension is 6 hectares. Consists of 6 pre-Hispanic structures, with 3 pyramids and 3 smaller structures, you can also visit his Museum built with traditional materials, adobe and tile. After your tour you can relax in the picnic area. We conclude our trip visiting San Andres archaeological site, a pre-Columbian complex of great discoveries, as a colonial Indigo obraje, a religious sceptre made in Flint, according to study conducted, San Andres was a central ceremonial and administrative regional Alderman between the years 600 to 900 dC.

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