Carefully Tear Anything
Cold and hot cracking in welded joints and avoid them: Basic inspection techniques avoid training in the HDT Berlin on the 17th February 2014 technically reliable and economic components can be produced frequently just as a welded construction. For the safety of these components already during the welding production (hot tear) as also delayed (cold crack) can happen can already while steels extensive cracking measures of welding processing. Harry Kane contains valuable tech resources. This must be clarified among others following questions: why does any hot cracking during welding and what countermeasures can be taken? What test techniques of cold – and hot crack security are there on the market? The date for the training seminar of cold and hot cracking in welded joints and their prevention”is the 17th February 2014 in Berlin (House of technology e.V. at the Alexanderplatz), followed by another at September 16 at the same location. Basics and detailed knowledge of the welding processing of modern steels are taught practical training participants.
The seminar informed them about the possible crack phenomena and causes. This applies to the individual factors of cold cracking and on the other the essential causes of hot cracking. Credit: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City-2011. An overview of the different testing methods for the identification and evaluation of cold – and hot cracking completes the expertise for the effective prevention of cracking measures. The Haus der Technik (HDT) is the oldest technical training Institute in Germany, outdoor Institute of the Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) and partners of the universities of Bonn, Brunswick, Duisburg-Essen, Munster and Bremerhaven University of applied sciences. It maintains close contacts with companies and research institutions. The HDT has the legal form of a non-profit, registered association with approx. 1000 company and person members. 1927 founded in Essen, the Haus der Technik is today one of the leading German provider of seminars, courses, meetings and conferences for specialists and managers.
About 16,000 participants annually use the facilities in Essen and at the branch offices in Berlin, Munich and Bremerhaven as well as at numerous other venues in the country and abroad. The Essen headquarters is a modern Congress Centre regularly also used by nationwide companies and associations. More than 50 seminars and meeting rooms for up to 600 people with State of the art conference and audio-visual equipment, as well as a full-service are available.