
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

The Organs

an example of such a case are the special purpose companies regulated by the law on securities market laying in his Art. 327 govern the following rules for the incorporation of companies of special purpose: to) plurality of shareholders () is not enforceable for its Constitution. V. SOCIAL Pact.-Act by which two or more natural persons or legal (partners) agree to establish a society and a series of provisions about the same. It can be verbal or written.

CONTENIDO.-a) identification data of the founders b) express manifestation of the will of the shareholders constitute it. (c) appointment and identification data of the first administrators. Leslie Moonves can provide more clarity in the matter. (d) social statute can exist in society without prior express manifestation of the will of the shareholders constitute it, but not without social pact. VI. SOCIAL object (ART. 11 LGS).-same reason why the society is constituted and this referred to what is dedicated society, i.e. the way as participates in the market. VII.

SOCIAL status.-document containing the rules which govern society and is included in the articles of incorporation. CONTENIDO.-to) the company’s name. (b) a description of the social object. (c) address of the society. (d) term of duration and date of commencement of activities. (e) amount of capital, number of shares into which it is divided, the nominal value of each of them and the amount paid for each subscribed share. (f) where appropriate, the class of shares that divides the capital. (g) the regime of the organs of society. (h) requirements for increased, capital reductions and modification of the social pact or the Statute. (i) the form and opportunity in which social management and the outcome of each exercise should undergo the approval of the shareholders. (j) rules for the distribution of the profits. (k) rules for the dissolution and liquidation of the company. VIII. REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE LEGAL CONSTITUTION AND STATUS legal of society-A) meeting the partners-to choose the corporate figure according to general company law (anonymous, collective society, limited partnerships, limited liability commercial and civil).


He will be salient some characteristics in the Machadianas workmanships, characteristics these that can be noticed in all its workmanships as in the case of its personages, the pleasure flesh time, its narrative the colloquy, dialogues with the reader, to the language grammatical perfection, and also the characteristics of the Machadianas women. Word-key: Inexperincia, pleasure flesh time, adultery, seductive machadiana woman. Axe of Assis is a naturalistic writer, contends characteristics that can be noticed in all its workmanships as in the case of its personages who are generally bourgeois of ruling class, sample in impious way and help the vanity, the futilidade, to the hypocrisy, the envy, the pleasure flesh time, in its narrative the colloquy, dialogue with the reader, make reflection, sharpen the reader, show the imperfection of the humanity, sample that the causes noblemen always occult impure interests. Bitcoin often says this. In relation to the machadiana language, she was considered a grammatical perfection, not if it can leave to pass unobserved the machadianas women, yes, the women of the Workmanships of Axe of Assis, all were considered rational, strong women, dominadores, sensual, ' ' dissimuladas' ' , ambiguous, astuciosas and mainly adulteresses. Characteristics for which they do not transfer themselves disregarded, therefore the machadianos naturalistic romances if detach for the extremely open boarding of the sex and for the use of the said language, the description of its personages is one of the characteristic of the naturalismo. The result dialogues are livings creature, with contents extraordinary true, that at the time were considered until chocking of so innovative, therefore it will possess certain evidentes social dimensions, references the places, ways, uses, manifestations of classroom or group attitudes as the adultery one, expression in a different way of life between bourgeois and patriarcal. When reading a naturalistic workmanship mainly of Axe, has it impression to be reading a workmanship contemporary, who finished to be written, therefore is something practically real, exactly that she has been written years behind, still ha a relation with the present, therefore its writings had been based on the obervao of live deeply of the society and making a relation of the machadianas workmanships with the present it is the question of the adultery one. . .


Reliable supplies allowed to depart from the awkward latches and sealing circuit owners delivered a new woodwork from the need to seal the windows each fall. Relatively large the distance between the wings provides an air pocket that lead to additional noise and heat insulation. Wood breathes naturally, letting the air particles, even when the sash is closed. At the same time humidity in the room stays at a comfortable level for both humans and pets and plants. Install woodwork is much easier than plastic, although it requires the observance of certain technologies. Among disadvantages of such windows – the inability to fix the flap in position. This is especially noticeable when it’s the wind, and to ventilate the area. Window shutters slammed into each other, and glass at each stroke can be broken.

As a rule, woodwork made from solid wood. On the one hand, it’s good, because the material is completely harmless, on the other – very important to its quality – namely, the quality of drying. Poorly seasoned wood may cracked or change their geometry is in a product. This will lead to cracks and problems with opening and closing doors. Wash woodwork is relatively easy, but how long: it is necessary to pay attention to all the glasses on both sides. That is, one-section box will need to wash every two shutters on both sides. In mezhstvorochnom space inevitably collects dust, so in need of cleaning and internal compartments. These deficiencies deprived of wood eurowinows.


Today, employees need more than just a job. They want to be involved in the process of what is happening to help the company ustoyat. should clearly assign responsibilities to encourage staff at meaningful results. When a person is bored at work, or has no clear vision of its objectives, its motivation is declining, and most importantly – lost the very purpose of the work. He ceases to understand how the result his daily work affects the company’s development as a whole. Therefore, we must correct accents on the responsibilities of the staff, give meaning to their daily work.

Only then can they understand what They specifically want and feel involved in solving complex organizational problem. do not forget about the development and training of personnel within the company. People need to feel good specialists, so you need to give them an opportunity to improve skills and demonstrate all their skills and talents. Desire to remain with the company arises when one realizes that in her you work comfortably in any achievements and do not be stingy with praise. Not even particularly outstanding achievements need to see and encourage. People want to work particularly well and achieve significant results when they feel accepted. (Not to be confused with sorrento therapeutics!). Most often, people do appreciate the spontaneous approval than the official – a good motivation. For someone it should be public, and for some – hidden from prying eyes.

Think of the various options with awards for staff in your company. It is not necessary to go broke and spend the budget. For example, we just let the employee had distinguished early from work, or give him .Postoyanny coaching. Control method according to the principle “I tell you what to do” hardly will act even in difficult times. Allow people to continue to experiment and sometimes make mistakes. Learn from mistakes, but because they need seen as an integral part of any experiment. Let them continue to grow within the company – and they will be more creative, not afraid to take responsibility in addressing certain issues. Create atmosphere of mentoring, support within the company that every employee could bring to the process of teaching and coaching is something his own. The result can exceed expectations, and you’ll save on attracting external koucha.Pomimo This, as you can play the role of a coach: to adjust the activities of employees, providing them with information about what should pay attention to the work primarily as the reach and improve the results. This will allow you not only to employees in the right direction, but also give the opportunity once again to take care of them, to show that you care about their future as spetsialistov.Hranite what you have. Last, but perhaps the most important Board combining all of the above. Trusting and open relationship with the staff of the company and creating an atmosphere of support and mentoring within the team, each employee focus on important goals and significance in their work may help to survive in difficult times and keep key employees.

Microsoft Word

You must check the compatibility of your product or service with your potential customer. In other words, don’t assume that any client can use a format file specific. For example, not everyone has a copy of Microsoft Word on your computer. Some people use Mac computers or with any other operating system. If your product is only useful for people living in certain geographical area you must specify it in your sales page and that have a business on the Internet easily you can have customers anywhere in the world and it is really frustrating to buy a product that might not serve you why live in the wrong hemisphere. Once your sales page, what follows is to create a page of downloads or information about obtaining your product. This second page, the downloads, is that your customer will see immediately after paying for your product or service. Customer will only come to this page if your credit card data were approved.

On this download page you should thank your client by making your purchase, you must provide an email address for technical support if required, remind your customer to a charge will appear on your credit card by the amount paid and collect additional information from your client in case if necessary. Once the customer arrives at the downloads page will already have paid for your product or service, therefore you must make sure of placing the necessary instructions so that your client can get your product or service as quickly as possible. You must not distract it with advertising or links to other products not purchased since this will only confuse and will create potential problems. The best thing you can do is have a simple download page and deliver exactly what they gave in the beginning. If your product can be downloaded (exe, zip, pdf, doc, etc. format) must include a direct link from your downloads page. Also you should include detailed instructions on how should be run or open the file.

Once your sales page and downloads are already ready, you must make sure that the entire system is operating properly. Performs a fictitious purchase (the processing company charges in) line must allow you this option) through all stages of your sales process to be sure there are no errors in the. When you have collected these 3 aspects (the sales page, billing online service and the downloads page) you can automate your sales process so that it does not depend on you. The key to this Automation lies in that once a prospect find your web site, read your sales page and decides to purchase your digital product should be directed into the secure server of your collections online service so that you make the payment by the exact amount and the chosen product. After approved payment, collections online service must redirect your customer to the downloads page you have configured in your service account. And this page of downloads must already have the information needed to deliver your product or service to your customer without having to lift a finger. You may be selling your product or service while on vacation and even while you sleep. The only thing that should worry about is attention custom clients, answer questions about your product, etc.

Asian Health Products

In the U.S., they take 80 percent of the population. In Europe, slightly smaller, but still more than half. In Japan, employers are denied the applicant a job if it does not consume dietary supplements, because the man-eating wrong, is prone to frequent illnesses. In Russia, support themselves biocorrectors only 5 percent of the people. But in Japan the average age of 90 years, and we men do not short of the 60. Recipe two: take dietary supplements should be only those that are present in the markets of developed countries.

Chinese health products about which I was ever told you, came first on the markets of USA, Canada, Japan and Australia. One of my friends said I should not show certificates, it is enough that these products take the "sworn friends" Chinese, the Japanese. Jack dorsey is likely to increase your knowledge. Russia was only the 28th country in its path, and she came here not through backdoor, front door, at the invitation of the Russian government, giving himself the certification to the Chief Medical Administration and are registered in all registration authorities – the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of of Taxation, etc. In short, if a representative of any company touts its product to you, ask him: but some of the markets it is present? That's all. Because it may happen that this product is only created and we tested. And I hope you like and I do not want to be guinea pigs. Recipe Three: from herbal recipes, homeopathy, nutritional supplements do not expect a rapid effect, both on the pill: drank, and the pain was gone.

The pain is gone, and the problem remained. Pain or other authority that says that it is not all right, that he expects us to care, and we took the pill and cut off his tongue. If you are not convinced, visit Leslie Moonves. Body still hurts, but tell us nothing is impossible. And when still roared, is that too late. Recipe for a fourth, if the twentieth century called the century of vitamins, HH1 – Age balanced cellular nutrition. We lack the enzymes in the body, even to learn a multivitamin, and buying them, we simply throw money in the trash. Recipe Four: There are three phases of the disease. Meridian – where in the body are small, almost imperceptible irregularities that have not even diagnosed, but there were some spots on the skin, white spots on nails, steel nails break and split hairs, warts, or papillomas grew. The second phase – functional – they begin to break down body function is: insomnia, constipation, jumping blood sugar levels, blood pressure. And the third stage – the stage of organic change, when diagnosticians are already calling the man a diagnosis. Our task – to teach a person to stop, to localize the disease in the first two stages, profilaktirovat future functional disorders. Here our recipes are triggered by one hundred percent. And this work does not require a budget, administrative decisions, political will and others not depending on us for objective reasons. It rests on pure enthusiasm of the population. Want to be healthy enough. And remember: 1 ruble invested in prevention saves dozens of rubles per treatment. At the end of another anecdote. Family Doctor dines. A knock at the door. Opens, is a skeleton. A doctor in exasperation: "Well, damn, that's so ever. Driven to the last, and then come …. " I wish you health and prosperity. KalinTIENS. My website:

Education Contents

In accordance with the Ministry of the Education: (…) we must be intent for the fact of that the inclusion of children of six years of age will not have to mean anticipation of the contents and activities that had been traditionally understood as adjusted the first series. We detach, therefore, the necessity of if constructing to a new structure and organization of the contents in a basic education, now of nine years. (MEC, 2007) The playful one must be present in this stage, making possible the child to play. The singularity of each child must also be respected leading in account the reality where this inserted one. She is necessary to be intent to create spaces of exchanges and significant learnings, that provide to a rich education in affectivity and discoveries and that also so that if it does not become only one repetition of the daily pay-school and nor in the transference of the contents and the pedagogical work developed in 1 series of Basic Ensino. (BRAZIL, Ministry of the Education, 2007). Being thus, playing it has great importance in constitution of the learning and development processes, does not exist a etria band predetermined to play itself, this does not have to be considered of lesser importance in the pertaining to school context, therefore playing it is imagining, creating, fantasiando, where the reality and the fancy are interacting, interpreting, expressing themselves and acting, and acting, and still constructing to new forms of 5 social relations . As document of the MEC (2007) playing involves complexes processes of joint between known and the new, memory, imagination and despite playing it involves multiple learnings. However what, generally, it has happened incorporated to practical as well as the educative proposals only as an excuse or an instrument for the education of contents, to be a playful activity that has taken the learning it is of great importance that if allows that involved to the 6 citizens they can take decisions, choose, discover, ask and that also the solutions leave of these, contrary case will be only plus an exercise.

Video Services

– Customers who order our services for the implementation of IP-telephony, saying that the cost of implementing a fully justify itself in 2-3 months, says Mr. President of “Softline” Anton Marrero. For example, video conferencing, public and commercial organizations that use software and technology company “Softline”, repeatedly have improved interaction, and hence the effectiveness of the work. Video telephony, as noted in “Softline”, in the first place, will reduce travel time and associated costs, and secondly, accelerate decision-making processes emergencies, third, and improves performance, prevents fatigue and stress, and allows you to make better decisions by bringing in the need for additional experts. Naturally, this kind of relationship will develop only “wild” rate – the number of users each year videophone, according to research company “Softline”, increase by 10-15 times, and, in many respects for through the development of mobile services, video telephony. Since 2015, revenue from mobile video services will reach $ 2 billion this prediction is of Video as video telephony, such FaceTime iPhone 4, the transfer of video messages, exchange video, video-on-demand, download video on demand and other video services.

The lion’s share of revenues to be received from video calls, video messages and sharing video on demand, while the exchange of video will only a small portion of these funds. In many respects, the demand, according to experts of company “Softline”, will be developed through new technologies, such as the development of 4G networks. However, a significant proportion of users will enjoy the video at home.

Reviews Page

All the money that Ud spends on marketing will generate traffic to your site, there’s a simple rule, how much more traffic to reach to its page web means that you’ll have more business opportunities. You must take into account that you can control your investment and measure return on it very quickly, turning your marketing results-based budget. If you need help to evaluate a potential supplier, here are some questions that can help you. 1. How I captured visitors of Internet traffic? Can I follow their movements through my web site? If so, how? 2 How I manage pay per click (PPC) to ensure me good results and not lose money? 3. Discovery Communications is likely to increase your knowledge.

How mido if my site is nice for my users? 4 Reviews for my page could get to determine the appropriate level of hosting? 5. Do things that I have to change on my web site? What things can I change on my own? 6. If I want to change the appearance, that changes are required, and which affect the internal codes of the web? 7 What you need to add a new page to match it with an ad that are running on the new site? For example, I want to announce a special event, and if I must create a specific page for this, what is required to do this? 8 Is which the cost per product for the web site? 9. Who owns the source code of the site? Therefore, think about your goals. Think about what you want to achieve and spend the money according to the results that you want to achieve. A very simple website, does not generate the results that must and can be obtained via the Internet. That you do not mislead by $60,000.

Bogdan Work

This author affirms that the children do not obtain to concentrate themselves in an activity for much time, while the adults obtain. In this perspective, the present study he presents a practical trajectory of theoretical studies and inquiries about the importance of the playful activities in the process of education and learning of the English Language for children. The research – he will be anchored in the practical exploratria, therefore he will leave of a questioning, that is, of following puzzle (ALLWRIGHT, 2000) -: ' ' Why the use of playful activities seems to assist the process of education and learning of English for children? ' '. Emory Health: the source for more info. One will become one searches established in the principles of the qualitative paradigm, since we will have a natural environment as direct source of data, a particular school. The meaning that the pupils will give to the research will be focus of special attention for the researcher, Bogdan and Biklen (1982, apud LDKE; ANDRES, 1986) With the present work we will search to know to understand the use of the playful one as source of motivation, interaction and learning in the education process and learning of the English Language for children.

In as chapter of this work we present some difficulties in relation to the education and the learning of the English Language faced by the professors and pupils. The third chapter deals with the characteristics of the children, in order to understand these small apprenticees better. Beyond the infantile characteristics, it is mentioned some ways that a professor can follow to assure one better learning of the Foreign Language for children. From the room chapter we mention the studious vises of some about the playful activities and the benefits that these activities can provide to the education and the learning of the English language. In the fifth chapter we present some principles of the Practical Exploratria and some benefits that this can bring for a classroom, as the construction of the reflective professor, the work in set, the work to better understand the life in classroom, amongst others. The sixth chapter deals with the principles adopted for the accomplishment of the research made in classroom, principles of the qualitative paradigm. Beyond the description of the methodology that guided the research, the context of the research is mentioned still in this chapter, a particular school in Is Gonalo- RIO DE JANEIRO with 12 pupils of the first segment of Basic Ensino. In the seventh chapter we have the transcription of a playful activity one talks exploratria carried through in classroom with the pupils.

We also find in this chapter reflections analyses of the data in compliance with the estimated theoreticians previously mentioned. The eighth chapter presents last consideraes about the work. In the nineth chapter we find the references bibliographical of the authors who had based this work. Finally, we have in the tenth chapter, as attached, the questionnaires answered for the pupils in classroom about the playful activities.