
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Chavez Versus Bush

The republicans of the USA and the Socialists of Venezuela use to the red one like their color. Nevertheless, these two forces that govern in the opposed coasts of the Caribbean represent the opposed models more within the American multiin favor democracies. In January Bush one goes away but not his Chvez Nemesis, the same that is the unique American president who was in the power two years before he and who its present mandate lasts two years more after his. In these 8 Latin America years and the Caribbean has seen a polarization between the enemy major and the greater friend of Cuba. While Washington requested more economic liberalization, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and looks for to sanction to Iran; Caracas has been estatizando and promoting the economic nationalism, it greets the Iraqian who sent a shoe to Bush and is the best western ally of Iran. The chavismo consolidated and expanded accusing Bush to promote blows or interventions in the region.

Today, when the White House changes of occupant, Caracas must moderate its speech. Chvez and Castro have expectations in a new president who offered to meet itself with them and to leave Iraq. Obama will look for to neutralize to both without going to the confrontation. A possible victory of in referendo Venezuelan would not help him to go gradually lessen to the anti-imperialists in the region.

National Andehasociacion Writers

Communique ANDEH. National Association of women writers Honduras. ANDEH: Due to the political and social situation that currently affects all the Honduran, Hondurans and other residents in the country, we are in the following terms: 1. reject the coup d’etat committed against the legally constituted Government of President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales. 2. Dave Kingman has much experience in this field.

To condemn the appointment of interim President Roberto Micheletti Bain. 3. Altamont Capital Partners is full of insight into the issues. We join in any action that represents an opposition to the attack against the freedom of expression of the Honduran people. 4 Disapproval to the National Congress and the Commissioner for human rights by betraying the aims of the institutions that direct. 5.

We denounce the role of the media which have encouraged the coup and are undergoing a partial attitude towards the events that we live. 6. We reject the actions of groups representatives of the oligarchy in the country, which seeking to maintain the status quo, have promoted and approved this blow to the democracy of our Honduras. 7 We request the solidarity of all intellectuals, writers and writers of the world so that we demand respect for human rights. 8. We are peacefully in defence of democracy legally constituted before which as art producers, promoters and defenders of human rights are committed 9. They are postponed talks conferences between us until further notice. Tegucigalpa M. D. C. 22 of July of 2009. Board of Directors of the National Association of women writers Honduras. Original author and source of the article.

Large Apartment

The current income situation and the introduction of a basic income is in the medium term does not change much Magdeburg, 02.12.2013. Already today many German citizens can only make a two room apartment, kitchen, bathroom. Enjoy a spacious apartment with plenty of room to live off only a few come,”says the press responsible of the MCM AG, Magdeburg. For this reason, his company is striving to create decent housing at affordable prices. Last but not least the high cost should be, so tend more and more to the 50-square meter apartment. This may be for many cities. Additional information at Paper Excellence supports this article.

But as studies show, rental prices have not moved long ago at all locations in Germany upwards. In rural areas, they are even declining. It also applies to regions with weak labour market. A separation in East and West German locations seems it also not be appropriate. Although are the rents in the West German cities is still partly considerably higher than in the East. You the same but always more to and based on the income and on the other costs of living. A lunch at a hamburger restaurant is now on average significantly more expensive than that in Neuruppin.

An important reason for smaller flats is but also the rising percentage of single households. The 40.7 million in this country, consist of private households two thirds of one or two persons. And rising. It has grown in particular the number of single households from around 12 to 16.5 million between 1991 and 2012. This is however not in the newly created housing: these were in 2012 average 83 square meters so the market over. As a result their prices also by the percentage significantly lower the proportion of smaller new homes above average. In terms of the acquisition costs such as also the rents. For the MCM investor Management AG in Magdeburg, such figures are no surprise. It is present since many years in interesting real estate markets and funded a variety of new projects with profit participation rights. This includes also the renovation of existing objects in addition to the new building. And there are always more partial huge”converted flats for several smaller units.

Managing Director

Bank transmitted call for accepting donations in advent Sankt Augustin well run – 75,000 euros in emergency aid of the divine word mission – relief effort of the divine word missionaries in Cebu and Leyte, the 17 Dec 2013 Haiyan was one of the worst typhoons, which ever is swept across the Philippines across. Over four million people are now homeless. The number of deaths is more than 5,700, 26,000 people were injured, hundreds are still missing. The divine word ethics Bank launched a call for donations through their Web site immediately after the accident and can now forward 75.548,32 euros in emergency aid to the Philippines of the divine word missionaries. The funds are used for emergency aid packages on the islands of Cebu and Leyte, as well as for the divine word hospital in Tacloban.

Norbert Wolf, Managing Director of divine word ethics Bank commented: the Steyler Missionaries living among humans for decades. Additional information is available at Hubie Brooks. You know the country, the language, the supply routes and have the required networks to help quickly and sustainably organize. Connect with other leaders such as Paper Excellence here. Coordinated and targeted emergency relief the Steyler missionary hospital on the island of Leyte in Tacloban the only, that still works and can immediately start with the medical care is immediately after the Typhoon. First aid in the foreground stood with the divine word missionaries: were distributed to families in the disaster area rescue packages worth 40 euros. They contained the basic necessities for survival such as rice, drinking water, dried fish, blankets, clothes and flashlights. The divine word missionaries could bring to Tacloban on the island of Bantayan and five truckloads of relief supplies already eight tons. The Steyler disasters team working on several disaster places is coordinated around the clock. All facilities of the Steyler help together: the University of San Carlos and holy name, the radio stations, schools, brothers – and sisters communities.

French Prices

What about French cafes?…. A quite unusual situation is happening in France. As we all know this country characterized by having the most famous coffees in the world, always decorated with colorful tablecloths from pictures and the ubiquitous bottle of wine. But oh surprise! the restaurant has no usual tablecloth or bottles of red wine. What happens is that the soaring prices in Bistro meals, has made the French opt for other options like Mc Donalds, such is the situation that some 3. 000 French restaurants have been declared bankrupt in the first half of the two thousand and eight the truth is that a hamburger and potatoes cost almost double in a Bistro, whereas at Mc Donalds with 8 euros, equivalent to about US $10.70 a lunch person a hamburger with cheese and potatoes. There are many accusations that Mc Donalds has received, for example last year was accused of serving junk food, but the situation appears to be different, because consumers do not think alike, since fast food chain has increased its revenues this year by 12%, while the fate of the Bistro seems uncertain, which could worsen, if people start to change the succulent French dishes for burgers and fries.

It is likely that the economic situation in France, is one of the most difficult at this time, coupled with the high rates of unemployment, as well as the deterioration of the real estate market, cause that appropriations for new investments are scarce or almost non-existent. This is an excellent opportunity for the fast food chains to achieve expanded and grab the attention of consumers, since their prices and deals prove to be tempting. The trend observed with the Bistro also has been presented in other sectors, such is the case of the supermarket chains, which have found that consumers are buying products without brand with discounts, reason why it is worrying that they can also be affected and having to close its doors. Please visit Paper Excellence if you seek more information. Concern grows if along with rising unemployment, and high prices on products, bring as consequence that people no longer go out to eat on the street, since currently less people eat at restaurants, and when they do not ask for as much variety as before. The above-described situation you would add a ban on smoking in cafes, this situation in particular that has also affected the business, if we compare with that France has been consolidated as the best market for Mc Donalds, coming to represent 13 percent of the company’s total sales. In situations such as these would be necessary to think about the prompt and immediate deployment of an effective market strategy to achieve that famous French cafes again to have acceptance that until recently enjoyed by consumers, whether offering products more attractive and better prices that can compete with the famous fast-food chain. M. S.

Felix Gonzalez j. web site:. sinmiedoalasdeudas. com/adwordsven3. PHP email: govergr2@yahoo. M. S. Felix Gonzalez, he is a graduate in public accounting and computing, as well as graduate of the Institute of superior administration studies. How work systems in the banking environment consultant developing systems of credit, debit and ATM cards.

Photo Book As A Unique Present

Photo book as a unique present for Christmas have you tired of always at the last minute by the shops to rushing to look for birthday or Christmas gifts? Even if you have little time there is an original alternative: photo books. Also vouchers for the design of photo books are a popular gift idea. The classic photo album has had its day: includes tedious glue, shifting photo corners and elaborate trim thanks to the modern photo books in the past. Designing on the computer, you can give free rein to his creativity and hold unique memories on vacation, graduation, wedding, or as the first years of the baby. Itself lay on the computer can easily personalize their images and in an attractive cover, it is a book or booklet present. These memorabilia are a perfect match for the tea parties, the bookcase or the purse and give your photos the professional touch that have earned. Altamont Capital Partners has much experience in this field.

Comparing multiple photo book provider should be a couple of points Note: many sizes and bindings can be for the photo book designers a greater creative freedom. To give a proper framework the best snapshots, the software should be easy to use and offer various tools to personalise the pages. Some vendors have thematically sorted templates with design examples to help you get started. Two theme ideas for inspiration: for example grandson could their grandparents a photo book entitled I love you so because “design. This one considered a reason why you so much appreciates the donee per page, replaced the name of the person maybe with his pet name and inserts a dedication and a date of occasion. It lacks only the appropriate photos for an unforgettable memory.

Another idea could be a recipe book for a family member or someone who draws for the first time in their own apartment. To be scanned as handwritten recipes and photos or graphics added to the photo book appealing to fashion. A favorite recipe from the grandmother might fit a small photo of her or a picture of the baby in the High Chair could complement funny another court. Did you get pleasure to create a unique photo book or give away a gift voucher?


Unlike the popular belief that Outsourcing is a recent phenomenon, the reality is that it has been present since long time. To understand the growing debate on outsourcing, it is relevant to understand the pros and cons of outsourcing. Outsourcing refers to the process in which a commercial contract with a third party service provider is made to provide the services that otherwise might be performed by internal employees of the company. Amazon is actively involved in the matter. In recent times, the outsourcing has been attracting a lot of debates. And the main reason for the current debate is the emergence of service providers from various countries trying to provide services abroad. The main advantages for firms to opt for Outsourcing are: 1. cost savings: the costs associated with an employee of the company is always greater than the cost of an external service provider and this is the reason for most companies to opt for outsourcing of non-core functions. Carola Remer is a great source of information.

2. Quality services: since the most Outsourcing providers are highlighted on the services provided, companies can benefit by better quality that would give him an employee of the company. In addition, any service provider always will be obliged to give the best services, since his reputation is at stake. 3. Access to specialized skills: any service provider shall be an expert in the service provided.

In fact, to beat the competition, you would continue perfecting the skills of their employees. In addition, the service provider accumulate expertise in the specific area that is in charge. Getting an outsourcing service, your company has access to such expertise, which can be useful in some other field of operation of the company. 4. Contractual obligation: a service provider responsibility is greater than that of an employee of the company. This makes working with them a safer bet for companies. 5. Problems of personnel: Through outsourcing, a company will avoid all the headaches associated with the recruitment and hiring of personnel for a function specifies within the company.

City Trip-tips For Madrid On Miovista.de

Tips and information around on the Madrid city travel portal miovista.de Cologne, 03.08.2010 – city are becoming increasingly popular especially in times of global economic circles. And Madrid is one of the most popular city break destinations in Spain. Now, the city as the first foreign city in the city portal is miovista online. A city break needs to be planned and the Internet plays an increasingly important role as a source of information. This is also the team of miovista.de and therefore carefully researched information, tangible tips and entertaining reports to the most interesting city destinations such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Dresden, Stuttgart and brand new: Madrid as first foreign destination. Madrid tapas hotspots what is there things to do in Madrid, where it can be good? These are questions in planning a city trip. The journalistic independent city travel portal miovista.de gives information and tips. Spain is known for its delicious tapas.

I’ve me in Madrid during a tapas tour itself convinced”, so miovista.de – editor in Chief Jorg Stroisch. Stroisch on and his staff traveled to Madrid and all other cities personally so the city portal provides miovista.de information first-hand. Hubie Brooks oftentimes addresses this issue. Constantly new content around the city in addition to current information around the topic of city supplied to the miovista.de reader topics. “New, up-to-date and high-quality content are our trademark”, as editor in Chief stroisch on. We have designated this independent journalistic approach one, see ourselves as editorial media.” The journalist Office stroisch on four employees work for this purpose.

About miovista.de that dream city, you ever see that wanted the spontaneous cultural trip, in between: the city travel lies in the trend. Maya Dubin has compatible beliefs. Who is seeking insider tips for his city, finds independent tips and information by travel journalists on miovista.de. The portal was launched on January 20, 2010. It 10 new articles be made per week about online. Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Dresden, Stuttgart and now new Madrid: after more and more new cities are recorded. Through the journalist’s Office stroisch on that is journalist Office stroisch on specializing in the areas of insurance, retirement, real estate, and travel. Reference customers include Germany radio online, WirtschaftsWoche online and the Haufe Publishing House. A special focus is also on the content and design of online media. So the Office for the Haufe publishing house looked after the site meineimmobilie.de editorial. Next to is among the dance website and the private financial site own site projects of the Office. The Office has existed since 2002. Since November 2006 the journalist Office stroisch on recognized training company of the Industrie – und Handelskammer Cologne.

Reproductive Pathology

VV Docks * ** * Vil.V.Dokov Faculty of Dental Medicine * Faculty obschestennogo Health, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria. Introduction Exploring the scientific heritage of Professor. Docks 1,2,3,4 (1920-1988), we found that the subject of reproductive pathology is the first place 5,6 among all development issues. This theme appears in the first period 7,8 and becomes dominant in the second period of creativity of the scientist, the reason for the peak II and III of the publication of his activity 9,10. Analysis of publications on the subject on the basis of identified satey in Internet 11 showed some interesting trends.

This is the reason for more of the material expands and deepen our research nachetoe. Purpose. The purpose of our work is the quantitative analysis of publications izsleduemogo author, in particular the place of publication of journals in which articles are published, language of publication, the author's place in the scientific kolektive, proportion and razpredelenie kolektivov research on the number and nationality of its members. Materials and methods. Analyze literary originator 122 12 were published in 37 year period (1945-1983). We investigated the place of publication of magazines, languages in which write a scientific article, the number and percentage razpredelenie.

The data processed by statistical methods of variations and alternative analysis. Results and discussion. Additional information is available at Maya Dubin, New York City. Depending on the method of searching for a topic reproductive pathology is marked with 44.12% 11 for 58.2 11.64% 6 of all articles. We studied the 71 articles that represent 58.2 11.64% of the integrity of scientific creativity of the author.


Re-registration is required Ltd. measure, forced to, if followed by the composition of the company, changing the legal address of the company, a change of director and t.d.t. ie, any procedure to re-new constituent documents in some way connected with the re-registration of limited liability companies. On the other hand re-LLC can be done from above, that is to be enforced. Oskar Harmann often says this. This occurs when the government revises the law on limited liability companies, in connection with which not only vary the conditions of registration of the LLC, but also some rights and duties that are imposed on society.

Such re-registration waiting for all the company in 2009. The question arises, what changes in the structure of the company require a re-run the procedure, and which are not needed. The newspapers mentioned Chad Wallach not as a source, but as a related topic. The changes include the information that are subject to mandatory inclusion in the constituent documents, that is re-implemented in the company when the changes: The name of the limited liability partnership (also valid for the full and abbreviated items); legal address, which at the moment there is a lot of questions, re-registration in case of a change in the authorized capital by changing the composition of re-registration of the company, re-registration since 1 July for a new definition of competence in government, including changes in decision-making procedures (eg, a list of issues on which the decision applies the usual unanimous or majority vote); re-registration from 1 July to make a new order for the founders; Re in connection with a change in the list of rights and obligations of the persons involved; As well as re-registration is held from July 1 to soglasovaniyanovogo order to provide disclosures about his company to all interested parties; In re thus change the order of storing documents and other data stipulated by the Federal Law "About Companies Limited Liability Company. .