
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Analytical Google

Keywords will determine the way in which our site appears in search engines. These keywords will identify our website. They will be the guiding thread that was will erect our site, its structure and contents… Therefore, it is always useful to have keyword analysis tools, which help us to settle what is most suitable for our purposes. The Google Analytics are an important source of information. If you are not convinced, visit Glenn Dubin.

Although the traffic figures are the main reference for almost all webmasters when they look Google Anlytics, this tool has much more valuable information. For example, it is worth looking at the sources of traffic. Here you will find detailed where come from new visitors who come to the site. Speaking of natural positioning, knowing from where to reach our visitors is essential. By clicking on the link search engines, in the central part of the panel, we will access the detail. The search engines that we are being more efficient, will appear at first. By clicking on this, will see consultations entered to reach our site.

Learn to read this information is of the utmost importance. The first column is visits, which shows how many people came to our website through this search term. Although this isolated data, does nothing. For example, imagine having a particular query shoes for men – which pays 1000 visits to your site. And it has another nautical phrase of Chamois – which derives 100 visits. At first glance, it tends to think that the wisest thing would put all our effort in reinforcing nautical Suede, if this is one of our key products, since shoes for man we would be well positioned. But such detailed analysis may reveal that this is not so. What we need to know is the global volume of both keywords, to know how to efficiently choose what will be our course of action regarding our positioning strategies. It could be the case that shoes mens have a total of 1,000,000 searches per month turnover. In that case, derive only 1,000 visits to our site is a negligible percentage. While nautical suede has a monthly volume of 1,000 visits. Here, with only 100 visits, would be hogging an important share of searches every month users do this term. It is clear, then, that our efforts must focus on footwear for men, given that we are only capturing 0.001% of monthly searches for these words. However, this is not the only consideration that should be done here. Will also be important to analyze which convert better. But they will be the subject of another post.

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