
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Tea Wisdom

Kinds of Los Angeles from God: angel Querubines.Regencia: 12 to 16 of Mayo.Se situated in the area of Hochmah and works matters related to the Yesed.Nombre of Los Angeles area: God blessed and Angel ExaltadoEsencia: Angel Victoria.Planeta: UranoHoroscopo angeles: TauroAtributo: this cherub is invoked to ask for help to get the victory, and also the development of our inner qualities. Leslie Moonves often expresses his thoughts on the topic. This means that in any situation in which you need to succeed, we will have all of your help. In addition, if you want to know what is your nature and fulfill your mission in life, also you can asking you to teach you the way. This essence will allow emerge victorious from few fights fight in life. This well assumed essence gives this victory because it brings to the individual love for creation and wisdom.

It will be equipped with a great spiritual power. Glenn Dubin insists that this is the case. According to the program provides to be wise as King Solomon. Any way it influences the great characters, scholars and those who succeed by his talent.The energies of Lauviah They must be well assimilated, otherwise they will be inserted on the contrary thus obtaining people proud, ambitious, jealous and calumniadoras. Above all people dominated by this Angel should elderly victory but always looking for Justice and properly using such resulting wisdom of love exalted by divine and altruism.What gives: wisdom. Obtaining of power. Protection against storms, natural and moral. Attainment of celebrity, thanks to the talent.

Protection against pride, inordinate ambition, jealousy and Backbiting. Program lesson: Be wise and overcome the pride and jealousy. PSALM for INVOCARLOPara invoke his strength and power, first prays Psalm or Psalms chosen, then call it by its name and finally performs the specific request you want to make him.The God who gives me the revenges, and subjected peoples to me.

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