
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

The Gaia Science

Adentrar in the thought of Nietzsche is treated in the truth to foment a rescue of the human being, with this, is based appraises for the life and for the culture, in this way, the philosopher will search sources and inspirations how much to the perspective of this liberating culture or this producing freedom of culture in Greece Old, or better, in the Tragedies Greeks in special the Dionisaca, of where a qualitative jump of the human being is perceived as pure power, and liberating will. In another way, a will and one to be able inherent in the citizen not as normative behavior, but as will that contemplates same itself, that is, the revealed act (the action) is the glorificao of its proper condition, the largeness only can see largeness, from there the necessity of the release. (Available in: . Had access in 02/10/2.009). The main workmanships of the philosopher refer to for this perspective, of where if it all projects an itinerary concerning this evolutiva metamorphosis of the condition human being, however, we randomly detach amongst many the following workmanships produced for Nietzsche: The Gaia Science, 1882; The genealogy of the moral, 1887; Thus Zaratustra Spoke, 1883; The origin of the Tragedy, 1883; Beyond the Good and of the Evil, 1886; Dawn, 1881; The Wagner case, 1888; Ecce Homo 1888; Human being, too much human, 1878; The Antichrist, 1888; Twilight of dolos 1888; Mixed opinions and sentences, 1879; Will of power, 1901 and others. In set it is denoted that, Nietzsche was great studious of the condition a human being, therefore, it based many of its workmanships to this rescue of the citizen. It alludes the freedom, to the will and the power as something inherent e, therefore never it must be lost or attributed to any type of moralismo, it has seen that if thus it will be will be leaving of to be the new man to come back to the fragility of the weak man and without completude of the being. . .

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