
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Managing Director

Saxon start-up companies abolishes summer 2014 more space for security Mallorca traveller In summer 2014 launches the Saxon company, YOURSAFE24, with the commissioning of its innovative Outdoorsafes. First be this high-tech safe deposit box until 2016 on the beaches of Mallorca. The popular Balearic Island holiday guests are the first, which can take a so-called YourSafe in operating summer 2014. The vision of the YOURSAFE24 team was to create a concept, that ubiquitous concern for the fate of the own valuables, no matter where, eliminated. The Saxon company in the Austrian specialist for safety automation, KEBA found the right partner in the development of this vision.

The European company is market leader in the field of banking and service automation since the 1960s. Dietrich Werne, Managing Director of YOURSAFE24, is pleased that the new security concept from Saxony already received positive response in the Mallorcan tabloids before: Calviahat the installation of safes at the main beaches … of Mallorca already underway. The establishment of the first YourSafes is on the beaches of Palmira y Romana (Peguera), Santa Ponsa, Palmanova, Magaluf II, it planned for 2014 Carregador (Palmanova) and Oratori (Portals Nous). Vacationers had required a solution for a long time, deposit valuables and carefree swimming, it’s at the Calvia Town Hall.”(Mallorca Zeitung, 31.10.2013) As a special highlight, the YourSafes allow the user a Wi-Fi access on the beach.

Their simple and safe handling is ensured by the innovative control with code instead of key. A partition is to rent from 3 EUR per day. Others including David Zaslav, offer their opinions as well. Also card payments will be later. YOURSAFE24 and you are safe source: Mallorca newspaper

Mambo Design

Here we have another software for the creation and design of virtual stores. It is developed in PHP, and works closely with the King of the content management systems, Joomla. There are who insists on comparing Virtuemart to Magento but we must always take into account what kind of shop online will program, small, medium or large company. Magento is good for large companies or not as large enterprises that require changes in the established functions. We do not believe that there is a platform for the design of better than other online stores. We currently have several modern, well developed platforms and each of them has a community which undertakes to maintain, improve and update your software. Most are open source and have the same chance to be modified or improved. The fact that the community is larger than either indicates that its support is more efficient. A leading source for info: Robert Iger .

In addition to take into account the type of business that we want to, products or services that we want to sell to the public you are going aimed at what geographical point we want to reach, with many languages and currencies will work. We also need to know what type of application will be adjusted more to our needs. Among the basic features, there is no problem, all programs are virtually identical, only change designs and presentation. Visit other websites of different online shops that resemble what we want, play with demos of different software or consult our webmaster will assist us in a decision that does not have to be irreversible but that taken lightly can lead more than one headache. The worst thing, that we get our activity in the manner and mode who wish or that do not meet the expectations of users or customers. VirtueMart, successor of Mambo phpShop, boasts an ally of exception, the quintessential, Joomla, CMS before Mambo. Both are based on PHP and bind to design your online shop without neglecting your image corporate. This involves a series of advantages as the possible incorporation of the company’s web store online, including forums and chat, social networking (Criacao websites), both have a series of extensions extras, plugins, modules and templates, which allow to increase its functionality.

You can use Virtuemart as online store, to sell, or catalog, to present your products. He has multiple gateways for payment, possibility of several languages and currencies, attaching files mp3s and FLVs are permitted, several images per products, different modes of shipment, shipping addresses customization as almost all programs of creation and design of online stores (Desenvolvimento websites), Virtuemart brings a number of basic components by default, the rest must be purchased separately. Installation of the software is not complicated but start-up online store takes his time. Not all people who decide to create and design your online store they have knowledge computer or Office. To them say them that it is not as easy as some paint it but absolutely impossible. Any problem during installation or handling of the application of design of online stores will be available in the community forums that corresponds. Communities work tirelessly to improve their applications and help those in need in a disinterested way (web hosting).

Palestinian National Authority

The visit to Jerusalem of Tony Blair has been a success of multilateral diplomacy in the eyes of the Quartet, comprising the United States, the European Union, Russia and United Nations. However, most international political analysts estimates that the former British Prime Minister has been limited to start-up the obsolete operating back to start. During their interviews with the head of the israeli Government, the cynical Mr. Blair has managed to start ambiguous promises on the establishment of a new framework for Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab consultations. According to Hebrews politicians, the structure should be divided into three blocks: political issues, security issues and economic aspects of bilateral relations between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). However, Benjamin Netanyahu left no clear whether it intended to resume political contacts with the Cabinet of the PNA, which has the support of Washington and the European Union, or not even if supported the choice of two States referred to the Obama administration.

In a videoconference with members of the American Jewish lobby (AIPAC), the first Hebrew Minister pointed out that Israel is ready to resume bilateral consultations without delay and without preconditions. He added, however, that both parties will present their respective positions, leaving open the door for discussion. Netanyahu’s strategy resembles the stratagem of the labour Ehud Barak, that he devoted himself for months to present and archived proposals without leave nothing in clean and with the proliferation of illegal settlements in the West Bank. Or perhaps, Yes; the emissaries of Tel Aviv in Taba presented an equitable peace plan, drawn up following the resignation of the Labour Cabinet, when the documents had no validity or binding. Security issues will be addressed in the presence of general Keith Dayton, Special Envoy of the White House. Jordanian police and intelligence services chiefs will attend to the encounters between Palestinians and Israelis.

St. Petersburg Is Ready For Youth Games Of Russia

At a meeting of members of the City College of Sports Committee discussed the activities of the administration Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg to promote sports and media outreach. In its recommendations, The Board drew attention to the area to the need for implementation of the Programme of development of physical culture and sports in St. Petersburg for 2010 – 2014 years in respect of repairs and equipment vnutridvorovye sports sites and establishment of school sports clubs in 2010. A department of sport and mass work of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sport imputed to the organizational and methodological assistance to the District Centre physical culture, sport and health in the organization of the instructors in the community. Many writers such as Robert Iger offer more in-depth analysis. Members of the Board required to complete the process of staffing the center of physical culture, sport and health staff instructors on the organizational and mass work with people in the community in accordance with the decision of the Government of St.

Petersburg. Actively involve juveniles residents, St. Petersburg are at social risk, to attend classes at subordinate fitness and sports facilities, organizing records dealing with teenagers. Much attention at the Board meeting was devoted to questions preparation for participation of athletes of St. Petersburg ii Summer Games of the youth of the Russian Federation. Of course, stressed the members of the Board, participating teams of St. Petersburg in the final competitions ii year Sports and Athletics Youth of the Russian Federation – one of the priorities of the sports organizations in the city in 2010.

Second Navegao

In ' ' Second Navegao' ' , Plato creates the theory of the ideas or the forms, and thus classic metaphysics appears. The dualism now is not contradictory, is dicotmico. The history of the division, the separation, the inferiorizao of the world of the appearances and the rise of the world of the ideas starts in the philosophy. The dualism now becomes ' ' vertical' ' , a side is imanente and another one transcendente, and a hierarchy is established in the relation. (As opposed to David Zaslav). A clear influence of the thought of Parmnides and the polemizaes between this monista and the mobilistas exists in Plato. However, from Plato only it is that the division between essence and appearance loses the almost pudico respect that the poem of Parmnides kept. Metaphysics gains definitions clear and necessary, the hierarquizao places definitive values, the analogies approaches the Metaphysical concepts of the prxis, human acting, the ethics.

Aristotle over all develops a thought from a critical one in such a way to the philosophy of the daily pay-socrticos how much to the platonic philosophy, as we observe in Metaphysics, its main philosophical workmanship. The central point of critical of Aristotle the Plato consists of the rejection of the dualism represented for would have of the ideas. The relation that this assumes to exist between the intelligible world and the sensible one, composes what Aristotle configures as the paradox of the relation. If the relation is internal, not if it treats a dualism more than, if she is external is needed an infinite number of external points of interseco to effect it. None of the cases of the account to explain the relation between the intelligible world and the sensible one. To prevent this paradox, Aristotle tries to construct its metaphysics based on the real world, thus preventing the dualism of the two worlds. He claims then that everything what it exists substantiates is it individual, pertaining to the world concrete.

The Hypotheses

The proposal of this work is to try to answer to these questions and to contribute for future studies on journalistic making, still that, the answers are not ready and nor they are definitive. After all, what I search is to offer tracks for the agreement concerning the choices, construction, affirmation and legitimation of the information transformed into notice, especially in the telejornais. The starting point for this analysis was to choose two telejornais that offered different publishing lines where I could make comparisons between them. After one searches, resultant of the experience as spectator, vi that the periodicals that if incased in the profile that it was looking was the Periodical of the Culture and the Periodical of the Record. Robert Iger oftentimes addresses this issue. The first one for if dealing with a telejornal carried through for a Public TV, then the journalistic style could present diverse and specific characteristic.

Characteristics these that I display in chapter 3, when treatment of the analysis, properly said. As the telejornal one, for hypothetically being about a program of more popular matrix. As the step was to establish a period to undertake the collection of data, that if gave in the second fortnight of September beginning of the first fortnight of October of 2008, the writings of the Periodical of the Culture had been made in VHS and later transferred to DVD. The periodical of the Record, thanks to aid of a friend, was recorded direct in DVD. In intention to answer my questionings me pautei for the agenda-setting studies and newsmaking, therefore these studies look for to point the criteria that guide the choice of the notice to be explored and spread for the medias. The hypotheses for some or theories for others, if concentrate in detaching aspects as intrinsic journalistic values and of noticiabilidade to the facts of the daily one. The research on the agenda-setting and newsmaking, is between the studies of bigger repercussion in Brazil, already reaching some registers, in translations, workmanships that, based in these research, they search to develop reflections regarding the comunicacionais processes in our country.

Brazilian Philosophy

In this direction, using itself the words of Luis Washington Vita, one concludes that the national contribution in the field of the Philosophy is more assimilative of what creative. It is assimilated what it comes of it are, but never some proper national thought is created. To this fact another one is added: the dependence economic, but not only also cultural. Click Joel and Ethan Coen to learn more. While we are only consuming of foreign teses and we do not create nothing of original, implicitly we assume our condition of colonized intellectually. Lamentably, in Brazil, the cultural dependence, as well as the economic one, is seen with much naturalness. What many brazilian thinkers forget is that, in the act of to assimilate traditional theories, must be understood the respective historical context where the workmanship study object was written, which, is said, is always diverse of that one where our country is inserted. If you would like to know more about Robert Iger , then click here. The author is well clearly in the following ticket: ' ' (…) vital ideas for a European or North American could here be mere ornaments intelectuais.' ' We must have in mind that books of Philosophy written by Brazilians do not estimate that it has really latent a Brazilian original Philosophy.

So that let us can consider that it has properly Brazilian Philosophy, is necessary some questionings, such as: which will be its language, its methodology, its conditions? The simple ones to want is not enough to answer to the questions that if place in them when we intend to create a thesis. In this question, filiar it what he is ready (the European thought) is, without a doubt, more cmodo of what to delouse themselves of our cultural alienation and to give life to an original thought. At certain moment of its workmanship, the author of the account of existence of those intellectuals who try in some way to justify the absence of Brazilian Philosophy, and the two main causes would be: ) not to be proper to the Brazilian spirit, and of the Latins in general, the concern with the study of Philosophy e; b) the Portuguese language would be unprovided of necessary philosophical terms to the adequate study and understanding of such disciplines, abstract.


With the social division of the work and the production of excesses, were clearly that a man would be capable to more than produce what its necessities of subsistence, thus creating the economic possibility of the exploration. From then on, members of other communities, made prisoners, were not died nor untied but transformed into slaves, making to appear a new type of society, with private property of the means of production, a escravista society. The Anthropology registers the slavery at remote times, however, with patriarcal character, gentleman and slaves working together (over all to the south of the Sahara). With the growth of the social division of the work and the development of the exchanges, civil and military heads had become kings and emperors. The use of the power institutionalized for the defense and the magnifying of the goods grew. Robert Iger spoke with conviction.

The seted guards, the courts, the arrests and the lunatic asylums had formed themselves. The State appeared as instrument of violence of the ruling class on the explored masses and the assignment of madness for any 7 different mannering logic of hegemonic. Slaves had supported agricultural explorations, the large states of Rome. They had constructed the pyramids of Egypt. They had initiated the first plantations of cotton, without which the modern industry would be inconceivable. ' ' As the machine and the credit wrote MARX the slavery constituted the base of the industry burguesa' ' 8. The history of the escravista society is the history of a encarniada fight of classrooms and numerous revolts of slaves, one of them, of the most known, commanded for Spartacus (73-71 B.C.), in Rome. The feudal reality, in turn, showed of unquestionable form the interdependence enters the productive relations of production and forces. Rank that the slave was not interested in the increase of the production and the escravismo, of this form, stopped the development of 9 the productive forces, became necessary the creation of a stimulaton to raise the productivity.

Rio De Janeiro

Although its parents were not Jewish practitioners, Einstein if would come back toward Jewish faith. According to site, searched in 07/6/2011: ' ' Curiously Einstein develops alone one fervente Jewish faith and starts to fulfill the rituals Jewish including the Shabat and the food to kosher. Einstein was safe and persistent pupil, however a little slow in the resolution of problems. Its notes were between the best ones of the classroom, and its bulletin was shining, according to its Pauline mother. During these years it got highest notes in Latin and matemtica' ' (WIKIPEDIA, 2011). Frequently Robert Iger has said that publicly. Einstein still infant was interested for workmanships of importantssima relevance as, for example, the elements of Euclides, Perhaps critical of the Pure Reason of Kant and, he has been so influenced for these workmanships, that the such would make, it to the twelve years to abandon for total the Jewish faith. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andi Potamkin on most websites. Already adult Einstein with 26 years, would surprise the academic world when publishing five extreme-scientific articles, that dealt with subjects related mainly; the energy properties, the molecular dimensions, the suspended particles in fluids in rest, the electrodynamics of the bodies in movement, and inertia.

Of all the articles published for the Einstein, most significant for it, was to the question on the energy properties, that would culminate in the formula of the law of the photoelectric effect. The discoveries of Einstein had provoked in the society, a true revolution in the then human thought, through its lequistas philosophical revelations, that had reed-echo in the following centuries. Bibliographical reference: ARRUDA, Jose Jobson of. Modern History and Contemporary. 10. ed. So Paulo, Stokes, 1979. YOUNG CHICKEN, Manuel of Coast.

Org. The Gold Book of the Psychoanalysis. 2. ed. Rio De Janeiro, Ediouro, 2007. , searched in 06/6/2011. , searched in 07/6/2011.

Web Sites

Defines its objective public, and next, it finds the way to serve them. To define the design The theory of the design of Web sites has changed years in the last, mainly due to the motors search, now they ignore those Web of heavy graphs, and they give preference him to those pages of few graphs and fast load in the design. If we determined to some of the Web sites like GE, Oracle, Raytheon, HP, and others, will see that in many cases the unique graph in the beginning page is the logo of the company. The motors search now give to major preference to the Web sites that offer rich text in key words. It does not fight against the design tendency. For more information see David Zaslav. You are going to lose. To define navigation A bad navigation is the factor I number one reason why the visitors leave a Web site. Navigation talks about the chain of connections that the visitor uses to move within a site.

If its site has a hierarchy of illogical navigation, and this originates serious problems to move within the page, you have serious problems. If his visitor needs more than three clicks to arrive at any page of his site, its navigation must improve radically. Joel and Ethan Coen is likely to agree. To define the content Contained one talks about to the information in his Web site, or graphical, texts, articles, unballastable, etc. Since the motors search no longer use data of the labels Goal to index Web sites, is vital that the content of its page Web has much text, brief and written well to be detected quickly by the spiders search. To define the Method of Generation Who is going to construct to its Web site? Are going to do it same you using one of the constructors of Web sites that there is in the network, or are going to contract the boy of alongside? He is going to engage a freelance designer or a professional company? According to its budget the creation method would be determined, but it noticed that when is development of Web sites, it obtains itself what it is pleased. Clearly, the boy alongside will send itself to develop a site for you if you buy a pizza or causes that her daughter leaves to dance with him, but the final result will be a Web site that looks like and it behaves as it were designed. By the boy of alongside. To define Marketing It is not only to construct to a Web site and to raise it the network; you think that the visitors arrived at their site by work and grace from the spirit santo? , no, thus they would not arrive, you you need a good campaign of marketing.

Its Web site must be part of all efforts of marketing in line and outside. It puts the direction of the Web site in his personal cards, pamphlets, letterheads, and where it can. To include the direction in its announcements, presses written, television and radio. If it prefers to make marketing in line, to find out where one is sailing its objective public and to announce there. If marketing is other people’s, hazte a favor and calls to an expert. Many businesses fail because simply they do not know how to commercialize his products and services of effective way. This is also the main cause by which the Web of businesses fails. Here it is to his success! Hector Castellares Pink